Category Archives: Wes Annac

The Ascended Masters: Now is a Time to Celebrate

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Your year 2012 has served to act as a year of many energetic boosts that serve to rapidly change and transform the very structures of the surface of your world and how events play out on the surface of your world. Every single moment of your experience, each and every dark influence is being taken away and integrated by each and every one of you as you experience the surfacing of your former selves; those parts of yourselves that have been based in the lower dimensions, whom you have willingly fed throughout so very many Lives.

You have begun to hear the extent to which the dark souls on your world and in the astral realms of your world have been able to gain influence and power through the collectively fed and manifested densities of humanity, and now as there are thousands upon thousands of awakening souls upon the surface of Gaia who are performing these transmutations on so very many more levels than the personal and emotional levels, finally the surface of your world is beginning to reflect this happening, as has been predicted.

Everything is now being turned up in intensity with the many alignments being reached on your world, and as you are all reaching the very intense transmutation-points of those last fading away parts of yourselves who still seek to gain the most influence and control you the most, those inner-fed ego patterns within yourselves have both represented and fed the ‘elite’ souls on your world who now think that they can get away with their ultimate of aims and agendas on your world. Continue reading

No Going Back: An Assessment of Current Events

Written by Wes Annac

Wow, have a lot of events been flying at us fast this weekend and this week. This is a good time to take a look at all that is happening around us at a physical and spiritual level, and assess where we are at as a collective and where events on our world thus far seem to be taking us. It has seemed since the beginning of 2012 that many foundational changes and truths have been given and exposed, but we have all felt the uneasiness at times that accompanies the continual waiting for solid, true and telling events to manifest on our world.

Our ascended and channeled sources have been telling us that once these changes begin in the first noticeable and real ways, the effect is going to be like that of a snowball; as we will receive one revelation and truth after another, after another and so on in a very rapid and accelerated fashion.

This was not always the plan for these changes to come about. In fact, it was originally planned that the many changes and disclosures would begin much sooner and would have a more gradual effect upon the collective consciousness. However, it is clear that much of the collective is still steeped in the very density and ingrained darkness that has continued to feed the elites, albeit much less substantially than was even so a fear years ago.

Because of this and because of freewill and karma-related Life experiences still needing to be experienced and transmuted even by many Lightworkers and Light Holders, the many intense events have instead been pushed back and compressed, to the point that we will be receiving many revelations one after another, and will find ourselves with little time to move from one startling truth and disclosure to another. Continue reading

SanJAsKa: Starship Contacts and the Integration of Lower Energies

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Your ongoing processes thus far have been those of continually expanding and opening yourselves to new experiences and possibilities that you can now transform and bring into your reality and your perception of just what can and can’t be possible within your realms of experience. For so very long on your world, the general collective of humanity have been holding themselves back in that they perceive of a reality that is so very constricted, so very limited in the face of the true and pure realms of experience, consciousness and perception that lay just beyond the ever-fading horizon between your experiences and those of the unfiltered higher realms.

So very many of you are now realizing the extent to which we are making personal contacts using our starships during your night time, and suffice to say we are still acting within the freewill grants of every dear soul whom we choose to appear before, both in the night time and during the day time.

Before the very recent grants of authority that we have been given to increase our sightings to those awakening individuals who can find themselves open and able to receive such contacts, our showings were those of appearing before mass crowds of people during certain times. We have made ourselves known to those of the city of Phoenix [Arizona] multiple times in very undeniable ways, and we are now beginning to step up the personal contacts that we have been given the authority to make. Continue reading

Solara: A Summer Solstice Message

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Your New Earth is blooming into being on a Grand scale at this moment and we, having a pure vantage point of matters on your world, can tell you with happiness that the foundations you have been laying for so very many years are now setting the stage for the many events, both physical and etheric in nature, that are to grace the surface of your world in the current thread of reality you all find yourselves within.

Indeed, foundations have been laid. The years leading up to this final year within your third dimensional reality structure have seen each and every one of you, no matter the circumstances of your finding yourselves on this world and how long you have been involved in your own awakenings in your current Lives, laying supreme and Lighted foundations for you to supersede the need to continue feeding any lower vibrations of any type or form. Continue reading

Love, Respect and Oneness: Our True Religions

Written by Wes Annac

I’ve been noticing a common theme in my own Life and in the expressions of many on the internet, and this theme is that of all that has been based in an illusory, physical experience, being disintegrated before our very eyes. For me personally, this has been quite a difficult process as I personally work through the final lessons I have given myself in this Life and am coming face-to-face with those last few aspects of myself ready to be transmuted and Loved.

Plenty of sources have been speaking of the lower entities who reside within the astral realms of our world and make themselves known through getting those of us on Earth to express the lower energies that would be bringing them through. These energies would include those of disrespect, angst, hate and fear among other traits that only bind one to the lower dimensional experience. Continue reading

The Pleiadian High Council: The Collective is Shifting the Energetic Balance

=Channeled through Wes Annac-

Note from Wes: Bringing through sections of this message brought me to tears. I hope this communication is helpful to you along your path, no matter where you find yourself at this time and who you find around you. :)  

Ah, how you are beginning to feel the effects of the alignments you have been given recently, in the most intense of ways that they could offer. We have been assisting you in any and every way that we can with the integration of the intense lessons that such alignments have been and will continue to be bringing you, and whenever you call upon us for any specific purpose, we leave our energetic ‘residue’ to assist you in many other endeavors you will find yourselves undergoing throughout your experiences after directly connecting with us.

The Divine qualities are being brought forth through many of you and balanced out and this is indeed a continual process that must be undergone with Love, grace and Joy. The act of balancing is one that is very important in your experience and in your finding of the energies and feelings of the higher realms that you have been growing toward, continually and purely.

Balance has always been a key, essential component to your experiences and the finding of balance has itself been a continual process in yourselves for the polarities fed and instated on your world have truly taken on impressions and Lives of their own.

You have been taught for many of your Lives to always be on the certain side of an issue or opinion, and now many of you are beginning to realize slowly but surely, the many methods and ways you have been holding yourselves back by feeding the duality and the polarity within yourselves. Continue reading

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: Humanitarian Efforts and Sightings of Galactic Federation Light Ships

We are the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and we are speaking to you through many conduits and scribes at this time while at the same time, taking part in the subtle disclosures that are being given to all those who know which signs to look for.

We have been showing ourselves in very veiled ways in your skies, and this is a subject that has been discussed very much and will continue to be discussed for the recent grants of ‘authority’ that we were given that have been discussed as well through other sources, saw that we were able to act in accordance with the overall collective freewill-manifested energies of humanity, which includes any new and pure Lighted energies manifested by the many Lightworkers now existing beautifully upon Gaia’s surface, to show ourselves to you in ways that can get your attention if you employ the belief that such showings of ourselves to you could be possible.

It certainly is, and many of you will begin to notice anomalies that we send you in your skies.

We say that this occurrence will pick up as humanity grows more and more and as you ready yourself as a collective for the experience of disclosure and of ascension alike.

Of course, the changes that you have been hearing about are to precede the overall Earthly ascension that is to result from the energies manifested by you as a collective from such changes, and we can say that the New World that you are quickly growing, learning and heading to, is so very different from your reality that the two will seem very much like day and night. Continue reading

Wes Annac: The Beginning of the Beginning

As we reach a very important point with the aligning of Venus with our Sun and our Earth, we are going to find many lessons placed before us that will test our developing perception of our Multidimensional self, who will be coming to us in increased purity that will feel very different than what we have been used to thus far.

As with every alignment, we are given Life lessons and tests to see us resonate better with the energies being given during such an alignment, and for me personally right now, the biggest and most important lesson is that of keeping balance and Living in Harmony, without overloading my senses.

We’ve heard from every reliable source that this Venus transit will be for the purposes of bringing the Divine Feminine Mother to and through our complexes, to Create a balance within us between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

This happening will require us to be in balance as we absorb these two United energies, and everything that has been based in the old paradigm will be disintegrating away more and more as we find our higher selves in increased measure.

It is a time now, for us to step out of our shells and find each other and ourselves in ways that we have never thought possible. Many things are going to happen to many of us that are going to catch us off guard, surprise us, and test just how far we have come in our evolution thus far. The main theme of this transit is balance and Harmony, so balance and Harmony is just what will get us through this time. Continue reading

SanJAsKa: The Nirvana Experience and the Light Signature of Assumed Dark Souls

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The nature that you find all around you on the surface of your word is a dimensional expression of the energies of the higher realms, and the plants, trees, water and air alike that give you the energies of the higher realms in their increased purity, are there for the very purposes of helping you and uplifting your Lives whilst assisting your body complexes in staying alive.

Do you not notice dear souls, how the elements truly support your Lives and your own having of experiences whilst inhabiting the surface of dear, Mother Gaia?

The air and the water provide Life for you to Live on this beautiful world in which so very many of you are now awakening on, and the trees, plants and animals help to support the elements of wind and water in bringing forth such Life on your world and in Creating new Life to blossom beautifully as well.

Only by reaching the correct and aligning outer state will you be able to clear the blockages that many of you have built up in yourselves, which is why we continually recommend getting out in nature and asking to align oneself with the energies that the dear air, trees and water give you for these energies will be so very uplifting to your spirit complexes and to the clearing away of the lower dimensional residue that blocks many of your lower and for many, higher chakras.

This entire process has been one of transcending the proverbial ‘dark night of the soul’, whilst finding your higher selves in the most pure of ways, and of gracing the surface and core alike of dear Earth with much Lighted energy in the process.

We can say that in this avenue we could not be more pleased, as the Earth is now brimming with beautiful, intelligent Logos energy that is forming, shifting and Creating the New World right before the eyes of humanity. Continue reading

The Pleiadian High Council: You are Catapulting Toward Your Goals in Increased Acceleration

As channeled through Wes Annac – May 29, 2012

The most potent of alignments has just been reached on the surface of your world (1) and, suffice to say, we had very much to do with the energy sent to your world and through your bodies from these alignments.

We participated along with innumerable amounts of ascended beings in this wonderful beaming of energy through your Sun and your moon, onto the surface of Earth where such energy is shaping and forming your new reality set to unfold in your very near future, with the help, of course, of your own thoughts and visualizations which are to bloom beautifully and gloriously into wonderful manifestations in your reality.

Can you feel your own heightened sense of awareness and overall participation in all things Lighted since these events have occurred?

For some, it is going to take some time and some adjustment for them to really feel the purity increases and upgrades. But for those of you who have aligned and attuned yourselves fully, and taken part in the crucial rituals laid out by many on your world for these alignments; you dear souls are beginning to feel in your own ways, the staggering and phenomenal effects of this alignment.

Our Star System had much to do with the specific codes and prints of energy which was sent to your world, in that the Logos that we brought through in increased purity was indeed ‘native’ so to speak to our Star System, in that this energy spent numerous higher dimensional incarnations on our worlds and on our stars, experiencing the beautiful Creation that is the Pleiades. Continue reading

The Ascended Masters: Ego is Energy than can be Transmuted

May 24, 2012

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

You are all beautifully carrying forth the Light that you have held within yourselves for every bit of your Earthly experience, and this Light has gone unnoticed by so many of you throughout most of your Lives and it is now in this final incarnation you have all taken on the surface of Gaia before the beautiful harvest of souls on Her surface who are ready for ascension, that this Light held within is becoming known by many of you and is showing itself to you in less veiled ways than in the past.

The raising of the collective and individual Light quotient of humanity is one that is very specific and delicate, and one that requires much planning by you dear souls on Earth who are undergoing this experience.

It is true that on some other worlds who are experiencing lower dimensions, the access to one’s spirit Guide is more readily available than has been so on your world for the majority of your Lives in this current cycle of the lower dimensions, and this is because the ability to awaken and open one’s chakras is itself more available and easier to attain as while these worlds are themselves lower dimensional, the learning of lessons and the growing and experiencing Lives upon their surfaces are much easier processes still than those of what you are used to routinely going through on Earth. Continue reading

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Layered Realities, the Transmutation of Physicality and our Participation in Lighted Rituals

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The frequency of your bodies and of your experiences alike is increasing so very rapidly at this point, and this accelerated phase of your ascension process has been planned for quite a long time. You have been preparing for this period you are now currently finding yourselves in, as well as for the period directly ahead for there will be so very much happening that will make your heads spin and that you will need the preparation for that you have been giving yourselves and undergoing whilst in the sleep realms.

As you know at this point, we here in the astral realms of your Earth assist in the movements of energy taking place throughout all of Gaia’s astral realms, and we oversee the production and continuation of realms of the lower dimensions of Earth such as yours.

If only you could fathom the many layers and realms of the lower dimensional and higher dimensional Earth experience, as you could not currently fathom the bulk and the enormity of the jobs that we are here to bring forth happily. Service-to-others becomes the primary means of Living and the primary basis of each and every mission that one sets out on upon ascending into higher states of consciousness.

We are looking for higher states of consciousness ourselves and acting in accordance with our own growth into levels of consciousness purer than what we currently fathom, and this phase in our own ascension process has called for service-to-others in as bold of a way as ‘incarnating’ into the higher astral realms of a planet which is so important to the overall ascension of this entire Universe.

We are working to achieve a dimensional level that sees us aligned with Universal Creators, and as such we have assigned ourselves so to speak to the ascension of this Universe, and one very crucial step of such ascension is the ascension of this Earth, dear Terra, who has experienced and had fed on Her surface so very much density by the souls experiencing the low dimensions in very distinct and intense forms due to their own Creations whilst Living within the lower dimensional matrix. Continue reading

Mariara the Pleiadian: We Act in Accordance with the Expanding of your Chakras

May 15, 2012

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The energies of myself and so many other ascended beings are coming to humanity at this time, and while we have indeed been visiting your cultures and societies for so very long, we have not been able to visit you in as direct of a way as we would like to be able to and this is why we have utilized channels and dear souls on Earth who have become open to the abilities in themselves to bring us through.

Indeed, to speak to humanity through channels is the right way to go in accordance with the freewill and growth of humanity, for each and every soul who is becoming open to our energies is experiencing the expanding and the ascension in themselves that sees them better able to find us and our energies through their ever expanding mental channels and their ever expanding chakras, many of which are coming online now.

It makes perfect sense for us to be able to contact humanity in the ways that we are before the initial disclosures, announcements and revelations begin to burst forth so wonderfully on your world, for we must act in accordance with the soul growth of humanity and we must act in accordance with the expanding of your chakras and the expanding of your own knowledge and awareness and your own finding of the Logos energy that we all truly are in ways less dense than you have been used to for so very long during your lower dimensional experience.

Indeed, your dimensional experiences have been straining whilst on Earth but they have served to teach you so very much about your Lives. Each and every event that comes to you that seems to be negative, is coming to you for the purposes of getting you to choose the energies of calm and of patience and acceptance over the energies that you would otherwise be bringing forth through the seemingly negative events coming through to you. Continue reading

Wes Annac: A Strange Thick

May 14, 2012

I’m beginning to return from my vacation/integration period in measured doses, and during this vacation of sorts I have found so very many parts of myself that are still not yet ready for the shift. By this I don’t just mean the shift into higher states of consciousness, I mean as well the changes that are to precede this shift.

We hear endlessly of these changes that are to come about and many of us take to turning our thoughts toward the Galactics and saying ‘come on already!’ as if these events were in their hands. As we are beginning to learn, such a mindset aimed at our Galactic brethren may be more hurtful than helpful, to them and to us as well in relation to our growth.

How prepared do you think you are for the changes? Have you began to imagine the repercussions for our personal Lives and what we see and feel is ‘normal’ when these changes begin to pick up? I personally have done a great deal of complaining, and a small deal of visualizing and actually readying myself for these changes.

Disclosure, the giving of technologies, the reuniting with our Space Family; these are events that are going to shock us, even those of us who know about these events and who feel that we are ‘prepared’. These events are going to surprise all of us, and we may come to find that we are not prepared in the least bit for all that is to transpire.

Don’t get me wrong; this may not apply to everyone. Certainly there are those out there who are preparing themselves with every fiber of themselves, for these changes and for the ascension resulting from these changes.

There are meditation groups who are visualizing the ascension of Earth as well as the arrival of our Space Family, and there are more than likely plenty of people who are beginning to prepare themselves in the ways that we have been led to by our Galactic brethren for these changes. Continue reading

The Pleiadian High Council: Melding Away the Energies of Separation

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

So very many of you dear souls on Gaia’s surface have been discovering the energies of the higher realms that are leading you ever closer to your beautiful and marvelous ascension into higher states of knowledge, perception and consciousness.

The Light that has been held but remained unrecognized in much of humanity is being shown to you all as the darkness and egotistical blocks employed during your daily perception and consciousness have been themselves unraveling and becoming exposed, and as your own egotistical shells become exposed you are also exposed to the Light you have carried within that has gone unnoticed by so very many on your world for so very long.

The lower dimensional experience of duality and perceived separation was indeed to call for a veil of forgetfulness, but the extent to which this veil has been employed by so many on Gaia’s surface who originally came to transcend such veils has made this entire exposure process a bit more difficult, for your dark have vastly taken advantage of the fears in humanity.

[Much of] humanity fears continually an outside enemy who is unfamiliar to them, attacking them and threatening their Lives. This is taken advantage of with so very much of the propaganda that is given in each and every facet of the mainstream perception and to all those who follow and subscribe to such deception, and this propaganda has convinced many people to feel and act a certain way, usually a way that will see such souls in a position of helping line the pockets of the cabal, both energetically and physically.

Your dark have taken advantage of your fears by publishing and putting out through their mainstream so much propaganda about seeming alien invaders, and we can say that the demonization of certain races and classes of religious believers has been for the purposes of getting any soul who will subscribe to such propaganda, aligned against the group of souls who your dark would want you to fear. Continue reading

SanJAsKa: An Audible Communication of Love

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

I am SanJAsKa of the Pleiadian Council of Nine. I am coming through this scribe and many other scribes at this time in very measured ways, but in pure ways that are seeing my energy reach the surface of this Earth in wonderful leaps and bounds. Many have become open to my energies and open to the energies of the Councils I work with, and many have in general come to find a resonation with the Pleiadians and with the Galactic Federation.

We are an infinite amount of ascended souls who have evolved and grown away from our own methods of lower dimensional consciousness, and we wish to assist each and every soul going through these lessons at this time. We give aide and assistance to each and every lower dimensional planet who can handle our energies and who can handle the help that we are giving them that they will receive from us with such Joy. Continue reading

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: The Ascension of Earth, of Humans and of the Elementals

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The purity of the expression of the Logos energy that is you will continue to be increased as your beautiful and marvelous ascension process continues to take off in ever purer leaps and bounds. We can feel the frustration in much of humanity when many months seem to go by with [seemingly] no actual happenings, but we should say that there has been a buildup of sorts of these many events to manifest.

You are seeing a very subtle stage of this buildup in progress in this very moment, and you have been witnessing this subtle stage occurring and unfolding for some time now. Pay close attention dear souls, to each and every time you see an article in your mainstream about how scientists have discovered new planets that they think could harbor Life. Pay attention to any mainstream disclosures that you feel may be significant in view of the coming changes, for these disclosures have begun trickling down again, in subtle ways.

The unconscious parts of humanity are being prepared for mass disclosures with the publishing of many subtle articles of disclosure, and each time you hear of a planet discovered or a ‘new’ bacteria that scientists feel could be producing Life on other worlds, just know that you are being prepared for the admission that Life is abundant all throughout this beautiful Creation of ours.

Whenever you see or hear of a new planet, an unconscious part of you is automatically directed to the subject of ‘alien’ planets and extraterrestrial Life. Those parts of yourselves whom for the most part you do not feel or recognize during you daily existence, know fully of all that is to transpire and have been preparing even many unawakened souls for many disclosures and revelations, though of course for the most part the slumbering humanity does not realize this is taking place.

We hope dearly that you can take solace in the fact that those who are still unawakened on your world or seemingly cut off from the energies and truths of the higher realms, are still experiencing ascension just as you are and are still working in conjunction with their higher selves and many aspects of their higher selves to prepare themselves to be better able and ready to absorb the many disclosures, revelations and changes that are to unfold on your surface in a very short amount of your fading concept of time. Continue reading

SanJAsKa of the Pleiadian Council of Nine, via Jesse


Sanjaska, Pleiadian Council of Nine 

I’m Sanjaska from the Pleiadian council of nine, and I bring a message through this channel. That the wonders of the golden age to come, your people are going to ascend in ways that you can’t believe. There will be mountains of opportunities ahead of you. New dreams new visions, that go far beyond your ability to comprehend can be. You will see the world as an infinite space, of which you are the creator, of which you with pen and ink will be able to write across the stars. This will be a golden age. This will be a time when free energy will enable people to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors and their brothers.

This will be a time of expanded spiritual work, where every person will be a light worker, every person will experience connection to the divine, where every person will experience their chakras grow in connectedness with the great spirit with one another. You will realize that you are a part of your own collective and your own community with your part of a far greater star consciousness, a unity within the galaxy. That we are all connected on the quantum level, we are all connected on the spiritual level, we are all connected as we are all one, we are all part of one divine creation.

It’s a gift to be part of this creation. It is a gift to experience this. A pleasure a joy a love the pure infinite love, that will fill every single piece of your heart space. The ascended masters are here to help. You guides are here to help. Your star family is here to help. We will help with this transition. We will help eradicate the dark cabal. We will help illuminate the dark cabal’s action, so that humanity will be able first time see their true history before them, choices that have led them here, so that they can experience the reality of what the cabal has done. move forward with that. You are all encouraged to send this dark cabal love. Infinite love. For they have separated themselves and their god selves from their star family. They have intentionally orphaned themselves. They and us are all one. They should be reunited. The only way to reconnect is through love. Love of the entire galaxy. To bring them back into the fold, to Christ consciousness, to love consciousness, f the greater good. Continue reading

The Ascended Masters: There will be No Stopping the Inpouring Revelations

April 29, 2012

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

All of the time you are being exposed to the increasingly pure measures of your higher selves which are coming forth in your bodies in increased rapidity, and we can feel that you on Earth are beginning to handle these various changes and energy shifts wonderfully and we encourage you with all of our hearts to continue on in your meditative and spiritual practices whether in a collective or individual manner, as each and every energy and intention that you give out at this time is having a profound effect and making a huge difference.

With everything that you have been doing, each lesson that you have been put through has been for the purpose of you finding the Light that you are in less distorted forms than you have been used to and Living within.

Such pure encodements of energy are now being sent your way that your bodies and your Earth’s surface alike have not felt, absorbed or benefited from for so very long.

Continue to anchor these energies unto yourself and unto the core of dear Gaia, for She is using these energies to help cleanse much of the effects of many of the natural shifts and perceived disasters that are catalysts to the mass cleansing of the surface of Gaia that such events cause.

Of course, you have heard endlessly that the dark heads on your world have been attempting their own weather warfare in an attempt to keep you all feeling states of despair, but with the pure energies being given by so many of you making the profound effects that they are making, Mother Earth feels free now to begin the bulk of Her cleansing work as the threat of weather warfare from your dark is by now, a near non-threat.

You will notice dear souls, that for the bulk of this current year there have not been many rumblings with the exception of very recently, and this is again because Gaia did not feel free enough to perform the cleansing work that She needs to perform because She and we alike know that each and every time, your dark will take any and every opportunity to turn a drizzle into a tornado so to speak, and they will do anything in their power to distort the mass clearing of negative energy from Gaia’s surface by using the opportunities for such clearing to cause a potential feeding of the very darkness and suffering-based energies that such cleaning events are meant to heal and transmute. Continue reading

The Ascended Masters: There will be No Stopping the Inpouring Revelations

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

All of the time you are being exposed to the increasingly pure measures of your higher selves which are coming forth in your bodies in increased rapidity, and we can feel that you on Earth are beginning to handle these various changes and energy shifts wonderfully and we encourage you with all of our hearts to continue on in your meditative and spiritual practices whether in a collective or individual manner, as each and every energy and intention that you give out at this time is having a profound effect and making a huge difference.

With everything that you have been doing, each lesson that you have been put through has been for the purpose of you finding the Light that you are in less distorted forms than you have been used to and Living within. Such pure encodements of energy are now being sent your way that your bodies and your Earth’s surface alike have not felt, absorbed or benefitted from for so very long.

Continue to anchor these energies unto yourself and unto the core of dear Gaia, for She is using these energies to help cleanse much of the effects of many of the natural shifts and perceived disasters that are catalysts to the mass cleansing of the surface of Gaia that such events cause. Continue reading

Calling in the Light of Ascension, Anchoring the Light in the NOW

~Divine unconditional Love flowing to Earth from the Celestial Realms~

Mediation through Rose – based on the Pleiadian Council of Nines call for collective action.

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: A Call to Humanity to Begin Utilizing your Collective Potential…

Music credits

Video Credits
Downloading the Programs for our New Solar Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love

Wes Annac – To Followers of Christianity and Catholicism

To all those who follow Christianity and Catholicism:

Stay strong in your Light and in the Light of Jesus Christ, dear friends. He is very real and He Loves you unconditionally. There are going to be many revelations in the immediate period ahead that are going to break the controls and constraints that have been placed over the once Lighted views that make up your belief systems. Nobody will be telling you that you are wrong or that dear Jesus and God do not exist, because they do and they are Guiding any soul on Earth who wishes to connect with them.

The dogmas and limits that have taught you to look for power only in Jesus and God and not in yourself, are to be transformed as it is explained that each and every one of us are God. Each and every one of us Create our reality just as dear God Created Eden, and you possess the power within yourselves to connect with God and with Jesus in ways that are more real than you can imagine.

With all due respect for you beautiful souls involved in Christianity and Catholicism, you have been taught to believe that the only way to find God is through redemption, prayer and a strict following of an ordained set of rules. This is simply not so. God is with you; His eternal glory and splendor is all around you, and our beautiful Creator wishes dearly for all of us to reignite contact with Him in very real ways. Continue reading

SanJAsKa: Imagine Atlantis and Lemuria, Uniting and Ascending Together

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Honoring the Light that you are is very important in maintaining your own balance and stability. While you are all on Earth you are going to make what you perceive to be mistakes and you are going to seem to act out of alignment with your own Life plans and with your versions of what events in your Lives should be. Honor and Love yourselves when you find yourselves repeating old paradigms and seeming to lack the energies and feelings of the higher realms that you wish so dearly to reignite in yourself.

The reigniting of the Divine flames in each in every one of you has begun and is currently blossoming at full capacity and power. The power that you hold within is becoming apparent to you in so many more ways than one, and we can feel that with the manifestation of many events in the personal Lives of many of you who are awakening, the reality that is your continual ascension will be made so very clear.

There are of course souls on your world who would rather occupy themselves with the ascension aspects of this entire event, rather than with the aspects of the extraterrestrial and Divine help you are being given at this time. Either way, each and every ascending soul on the surface of dear Gaia is finding the ascension energies that are uplifting vast amounts of humanity. Continue reading

Dispelling the Fears

Polar shift 2012: this will not happen. It is true that there have been many axis shifts in the Earth’s geological past, but there is zero scientific or spiritual evidence for one scheduled for this year. The only thing that is true here is that the magnetic (not physical!) axis of the planet is traveling quite rapidly, about 25 miles per year. This only means that the compass needle points to a slightly different position each year.

Apocalypse 2012: there will be no drastic cataclysms this year. Ceaseless work of the lightworkers and a lot of Divine Intervention have insured this. In fact apocalypse is a Greek word for revelation, not for cataclysm. Yes, revelation will happen, when the veils are lifted and we are reconnected with the Source.

Alien invasion: this will not happen for a simple reason that it had already happened long time ago and nobody seemed to notice. Members of the Cabal are souls that invaded planet Earth long time ago from other star systems and they kept reincarnating here until now.

There are no bad aliens left in the universe, this galaxy or our solar system. They have been cleared by Galactic Confederation from the Galaxy and by Resistance Movement from our solar system years ago. There are also none left in deep underground military bases. They have been cleared years ago also. So if you read any reports about battles between Reptilians and benevolent ETs, they are not true. Continue reading

The Pleiadian High Council: Consciousness of our Craft and our Earthly Lineage

Gaia is beautiful! Thanks to PocahontasBrandy for this beautiful picture.

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Our ships vary in size and structure, and each and very Light Ship and Mothership of course is constructed uniquely to fit the wants and needs of the souls inhabiting such ships. Our ships [for many] are our personal homes, and while many of us take refuge and home on the many Motherships established throughout this beautiful Creation, we also take to personalizing our own small craft, which could be looked to as our own higher dimensional version of your ‘cars’.

For the many of us who Live on the many Motherships which we perform all of our work on, we see these ships as our homes and our smaller craft as our cars (1), only of course these ‘cars’ can travel throughout Creation in the blink of an eye, and we are not limited to experiencing just one or just a few areas of your Cosmos, rather we are able to access any area of this beautiful Creation that is not blocked off for special reasons.

One example of access to a planet being blocked off is of course, your planet Earth. This world has been blocked off for so very long from the inhabitance of the many negative races who would not have your best interests at heart, and the quarantine that has been established on Earth has been enforced very strongly.

Recently, the most restrictive energies behind this quarantine have been limited in preparation for the many events to come on your world, and with this happening has come much more stepped-up security of your world by our various smaller ships associated with our Councils in the Galactic Federation. The most vulnerable points of Earth have been and are being occupied by our smaller scout ships, for the purposes of keeping darker and denser influences at bay so that the ascension of your world can be Lived out as planned. Continue reading

Solara: A Discussion of our Sun in Relation to the Ascension of Earth

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Wes: I proclaim both out loud and in typed form that I wish to connect my energies fully with those of Solara, the dear ascended soul inhabiting the realms of our sun.

Solara: Dearest Wesley, we are all here for you and for humanity at this time. I am quite delighted to be able to come through and deliver a message in this beautiful moment of our infinite existence, as there is much about the nature of your sun and us beings who live in your sun that you have had yet to know or hear about. There are of course many continual discussions that have been ongoing through many scribes at this time and in previous times of the changes being brought about and of the celestial forces who are binging these changes about.

We all fit into the beautiful Divine puzzle that is comprised of the unique energy signatures of each and every soul experiencing consciousness in any type of form or distortion. There is much that you have not known about your sun and there is much confusion that will need to be cleared up, and many of the souls bringing about the wonderful ascension of Gaia and the changes that are to precede such an ascension will go to great lengths to explain our own, unique roles in not only the ascension of your planet, but in the general way your planet has functioned and survived.

There is one crucial thing about your sun that has been forgotten by your current worldly society but that was widely known as a commonly-held belief in many ancient civilizations of your past, and that is that the sun is the further ascended form of the Earth, Creating the funneled-down spirit that is Earth from its own beautiful design and making. Your sun is a beautiful Creator, and the planets which evolve around your sun are all extensions of the consciousness of your sun. Continue reading

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: A Call to Humanity to Begin Utilizing your Collective Potential

Channeled through Wes Annac-

The scope to which this overall Lighted operation that is currently underway has been planned out will truly boggle your minds and have you wondering how such an organized and carefully planned out effort was not discovered or known about, even by the very dark souls who have been trying to stop this plan.

The dark on your world are just as perplexed as you will be as to how these operations have been and will be panning out in favor of abundance and Joy being returned to your world, and the reason that we are able to bring forth such complex and intricate plans without the knowledge of the dark on your world who have thought themselves to be all-knowing, is because there are many ascended beings whose intelligence and understanding far outweigh any of those of the souls on your world still attempting to get their way and win every ‘battle’ through any despair and any conniving means that they could think of.

More than anything, these souls need Love sent their way and this is a topic and truth that has been discussed in previous messages. These souls cannot thrive without the density and hate manifested continually on the surface of Gaia, and if they were to be sent pure Love unconditionally it would disempower their dark agendas and moves substantially, which is why we make the call now for you to begin to collectively beam these souls as much and as pure Love as you can. Continue reading

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: A Call to Humanity to Begin Utilizing your Collective Potential

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The scope to which this overall Lighted operation that is currently underway has been planned out will truly boggle your minds and have you wondering how such an organized and carefully planned out effort was not discovered or known about, even by the very dark souls who have been trying to stop this plan.

The dark on your world are just as perplexed as you will be as to how these operations have been and will be panning out in favor of abundance and Joy being returned to your world, and the reason that we are able to bring forth such complex and intricate plans without the knowledge of the dark on your world who have thought themselves to be all-knowing, is because there are many ascended beings whose intelligence and understanding far outweigh any of those of the souls on your world still attempting to get their way and win every ‘battle’ through any despair and any conniving means that they could think of.

More than anything, these souls need Love sent their way and this is a topic and truth that has been discussed in previous messages. These souls cannot thrive without the density and hate manifested continually on the surface of Gaia, and if they were to be sent pure Love unconditionally it would disempower their dark agendas and moves substantially, which is why we make the call now for you to begin to collectively beam these souls as much and as pure Love as you can. Continue reading

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Celestial Miracles, Energetic Bleed-Throughs and the ‘Three Days’ Period of Light

Thanks to Lisa (wolfke74) for the Image

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The pure Logos energy being sent through the sky of Gaia at this time is beginning to become too pure to go unnoticed by you all. We ‘caution’ you to expect so very many things that you will not expect upon the initial disclosures and revelations that will be surfacing. The most noticeable and unique aspects of Gaia’s ascension into ever-purer realms of consciousness must be preceded by events of a celestial nature that show that all that is happening on your world is reflecting the ongoing ascension in progress currently.

You have not seen very many anomalies in your skies as of yet, but trust us dear souls the energetic bleed-throughs are soon to pick up as the higher dimensional etheric Logos energy being sent to your world and through your bodies is accelerating the transmutation of all that has been based in your hologram of illusion, in favor of a widespread exposure of the energies and purity of the higher realms, to manifest on your world very noticeably before you all.

There are certain aspects of the Earth changes that are and will be crucial in the developments of the energetic and etheric bleed-throughs that we speak of, and we can say that many natural disasters that have occurred as of late have cleared so very much negative energy from the grid of darkness established in such areas. Continue reading

Wes Annac: May we Get Going Already?

As every single day goes by and I continue to look at the state of the world around me, I feel divided at best. On the one hand, we are hearing of amazing, marvelous things that are to happen in the immediate future or ‘soon’ and many of us are discovering genuine telepathic contact with the celestials and Galactics working from their ascended end to bring these futures about.

On the other hand, when looking at events in my own Life and in the world at this point, besides a few crucial developments that have inched us that much nearer to all that we have been waiting and wishing for, I see a continuation of the old.

The old paradigm, the old behaviors and ways of Living amongst humanity that suggest that nothing is happening but the continual feeding of this paradigm established on Earth that honestly, I’m beginning to be ready to leave behind. I’ll admit to myself feeding some aspects of this paradigm, and therein lies my own personal work in helping to bring these changes about, by making the effort to enact change in myself.

To that end I admit that I have done very much, and every day is a constant effort in myself to find the purer paradigms in myself that will see me (and hopefully all of us) exposed to the changes we have been waiting for.

The division I am feeling at this point is multi-faceted. The changes, for many Lightworkers will lay an inherent consequence; that is, that when these changes really begin to pick up as we have been told by our divine sources, us Lightworkers are going to be busier than ever trying to cover and keep up with everything. Continue reading