Category Archives: Angela Peregof

Ascension Balancing Inside Us

a message from Rev. Angela Peregoff

“The dust of exploded beliefs may make a fine sunset.” – Geoffrey Madan

The Universe is in a natural cycle of revolutionary change as swiftly expanding numbers of earthly initiates plunge into conscious change to match the higher frequency expressions. Get ready to create a week that allows for stability and integration because of the alignment that happened within the deepest desires of your precious Self last week. You want to stay tuned to the concise, clear stirrings of your Soul Truth because we just crossed (on 11/11&13) a critical threshold in our evolution toward spiritual 5-D embodiment.

Earth is a unique living library that offers seemingly endless attractions to souls and spirits learning how to use and play with creative energy within the context of multidimensional dramas. When you are born on earth, your essence comes from the spirit realms of non-physical reality; you take on a physical body to directly experience the rich variety of opportunities to be had within the physical world. You return to Earth again and again, living many, many lives. From a linear perspective, it seems that each life begins at birth and ends at death; nevertheless, the process of reincarnation is not confined to a linear model.

During your present-moment visitation you are infusing Earth’s majesty with a remembrance for humanity’s ascension back to a Divine Plan. Your attendance here is bringing the ancient through time and space, carrying with it energetic data that is seeking to be embraced by those that are ready for a multidimensional dialogue of crystalline intelligence. As a container for the Truth of your character and the Ingenuity of Spirit you have been, and are, a reservoir of Higher ideas for incorporating our larger cosmic identity. Pretty big when you think about it in those terms, right? So go ahead – celebrate your greatness under the glowing auspices of peaceful nurturance this week. Continue reading

The Week Ahead: Getting Your 11:11 Bearings Straight

a message from Rev. Angela Peregoff

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” – Lewis Carroll

Congratulations! You were present, in a body – which is really important, when humanity demonstrated their acceptance of Gaia’s acceleration and evolving consciousness. Did you miss it? It happened last yesterday, on 11:11. We aligned with some swifter fifth-dimensional energies of the Universe. What this will translate into for the globe is a greater sensitivity to Oneness.

This week if you would like to assist with the foundation-ing of the New into the physical arena of planet Earth you can do so by opening to your individual spiritual sensitivity with the intention of receiving and expressing the harmonic Light waves that are presently traveling at infinites speeds around and within Gaia. These latest harmonic Light waves are a form of electro-magnetic energy that are literally zooming into our fields at unprecedented rates – unlike light, which can only travel at 186,000 miles per second. Since these current waves travel at infinite speeds they can go across great distances in the Universe immediately. Much of November’s anchoring is coming from the Great Central Sun and it is bringing elevated Spiritual Intelligence to all who would like to connect to it. This new intelligence increases your percentage of Light quotient and tweaks your ability to understand spiritual energy, spiritual relationships, spiritual symbols and the ability to ascend past the perceived duality and illusions of this third dimension. Continue reading

The Week Ahead: Moonbeams bring Soul's Grace

a message from Rev. Angela Peregoff

“Free will, as you know, is of layers. There is the will of human condition, the social rule, and there is will of agreement and plan each and every soul agrees to prior to incarnation. It is the internal collective that has now risen to the occasion. It is the soul overriding the condition on a mass scale as so many individuated precious souls have now tipped the scale of agreement. The agreement is: When the saturation point of exponential growth in consciousness has been met, the floodgates open to affect the internal self with the frequencies of love, kindness, peace, joy and truth. It is so and so it is. There is no turning back.” – sacred and divine Miriam.

The last Monday of October is here and I am pleased to again join your reality! The reconnecting tides of tonight’s full moon are influencing all souls who will be living on planet Earth after 2012. The New particles of Grace, Peace, Wisdom and Light of the next resonant era upon planet Earth are awakening another layer within her field of Life. A few souls in my spiritual circle and I will gather privately to conduct a moonrise ceremony to cleanup and complete the old business of our past and to harmoniously launch us into bold new ventures of Soul orientation. The focus of each individual of the human kingdom joyfully stepping into the next beginning will be held intently. Continue reading

The Week Ahead: Moonbeams bring Soul's Grace

a message from Rev. Angela Peregoff

Monday, 29 October, 2012
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“Free will, as you know, is of layers. There is the will of human condition, the social rule, and there is will of agreement and plan each and every soul agrees to prior to incarnation. It is the internal collective that has now risen to the occasion. It is the soul overriding the condition on a mass scale as so many individuated precious souls have now tipped the scale of agreement. The agreement is: When the saturation point of exponential growth in consciousness has been met, the floodgates open to affect the internal self with the frequencies of love, kindness, peace, joy and truth. It is so and so it is. There is no turning back.” – sacred and divine Miriam.

The last Monday of October is here and I am pleased to again join your reality! The reconnecting tides of tonight’s full moon are influencing all souls who will be living on planet Earth after 2012. The New particles of Grace, Peace, Wisdom and Light of the next resonant era upon planet Earth are awakening another layer within her field of Life. A few souls in my spiritual circle and I will gather privately to conduct a moonrise ceremony to cleanup and complete the old business of our past and to harmoniously launch us into bold new ventures of Soul orientation. The focus of each individual of the human kingdom joyfully stepping into the next beginning will be held intently. Continue reading

Unconditionally Growing Into Wholeness

by Rev. Angela Peregoff – October 22, 2012

“During these accelerated times of epoch-making change, it is more important than ever that you strive to increase your radiance quotient and to Shine your Light.

You must endeavor to combine the vibrations of unconditional love with the desire for Self remembrance.” ~ Archangel Michael thru Ronna Herman

If you are more in touch with spiritual insights and philosophical beliefs right now, there is a cosmic reason. Not only did we just have a potent Full Moon, but elements of our very nature are joining forces in new ways. It’s akin to sitting down with a higher-power life coach who will guide you to sense and cultivate weaker areas of your life and turn them into supporting pillars of Self existence. The cosmic tide is high, and now is the perfect time to allow all the unified Love that has been filtering in to transform any fragments of separate-ness that are making you feel less-than or excluded.

Our world is moving on an ascending spiral of growth and awakening that is being pushed by time acceleration. This accelerating spiral of time is speeding up the basic frequency of evolution which is signaling an internal push to regain knowledge of your complete Nature.

Therefore, the spiritual wise one within that is always on the path of enlightenment will be healing the weaker, multi-traumatized aspects of you. This is a time of nurturing all your inner pain and surrendering it to the forefront of your consciousness so that you can love it into a new identity of Self. Continue reading

Angela Peregoff: Acting on Emerging Truths

By Angela Peregoff

July 1, 2012

Free will determines a lot in humans. It is the element that creates twists and turns in your life. Free will allows humans to go against their intuitive insights and to utilize ego decisions instead of the spirit decisions.

You have the choice to create a life of ego, spirit or some variation of the mix. One may create more conflict while the other may bring you into the flow of your very existence.

~ Angela Peregoff

The seventh month of the year begins on a quiet and relaxed tone. You have this week to rest in the pause of the Fourth of July holiday [in the United States] before being romanced by the next big wave of expanded Light that is set to shine on us. Make this a week of connecting to and with those individuals and activities that bring you pleasure.

The peacefulness of the week will be perfect support for the nature of such activities, so go ahead, and plan a get together or a getaway. And to receive the settling of what Gaia has been cosmically gifted with throughout June take some intentional time to connect with land – tend to plants, hike or walk, spend the day at the beach or lake, have a picnic and eat on the ground, or better yet camp. It’s certainly not every week that the universe is in our corner giving us gentle hugs and down-time so take advantage.  Continue reading

Recovery Time

By Angela Peregoff

June 25, 2012

Spend a few minutes every day reminding yourself of all the things you have going for you and the special qualities you have to offer.” – Abigail Van Buren

The week ahead is pretty laid-back for all mortals being transported through the cosmos on the beautiful lands of Gaia.

A fairly peaceful and creative energy field takes hold on Earth so if you wake up with Technicolor dreams dazzling your mental sense buds don’t be surprised.

As multidimensional beings we are being revitalized, refreshed and infused with new energy from the core impulse of the multiverse, which spontaneously and continuously recreates itself. Every moment provides us with a rich influx of energy to do with whatever we choose.

Heed this warning though; replicating the familiar rather than creating a new version of reality may lead to loss rather than the next chapter of your purpose.

The sacredness that you are, the sacredness that you seek, the sacredness that you yearn for always comes forth through the possibilities of your un-birthed tomorrows. To create the new, first you must imagine it, then you embrace it, and finally love it until the invisible becomes true for you.

If you still don’t know what that personal version of heaven’s giving is for you pay attention – hunches are being given, flashes of genius and unusual promptings from the deeper qualities of intuition since we continue to be influenced by last week’s powerful New Moon in Gemini and Summer Solstice portal. Continue reading

The Week Ahead: Private Awakenings With The Divine

Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.” – James Thurber.

This week and for the rest of the month we will be in the extreme energy-field of awakening – a time of moving into the stillness of a quiet pendulum swing, getting ready to breathe ourselves into a whole new depth of potential, creating and remembering our direct connection with the essence of our sacred Souls. While the maddening crowds of unconsciousness continue to rally around a parade of discordant fantasy you will find more inner reality and truth coming to the surface. Don’t be surprised when it is hard to tell yourself falsehoods or to speak falsehoods as the Soul pushes up charged parts of Self in order that we each take on the New emergence.

While this month of subtle intensity unfolds it will be more difficult not to act on your truths, moment to moment. The old direction the planet was moving in is now becoming very foreign to those Souls bearing Light consciousness. We are poised near the end of a 9 year cycle that began in 2004; its purpose is to deliver a healing of duality and to reveal the power of the Soul living as a conscious experience. This week in particular becomes important as we stand on this energetic bridge for the Soul because on Thursday we enter a sacred turning point of the year that is also the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The heavens open as a collective force to support a utilization of creation that is adjusting the very foundation of human experience; shifting the consciousness of humanity and allowing any man, woman or child that desires to release the overlays that belief systems and conditioning have to drive the human psyche. Continue reading

Private Awakenings With The Divine

By Angela Peregoff

June 18, 2012

This week and for the rest of the month we will be in the extreme energy-field of awakening – a time of moving into the stillness of a quiet pendulum swing, getting ready to breathe ourselves into a whole new depth of potential, creating and remembering our direct connection with the essence of our sacred Souls. While the maddening crowds of unconsciousness continue to rally around a parade of discordant fantasy, you will find more inner reality and truth coming to the surface.

Don’t be surprised when it is hard to tell yourself falsehoods or to speak falsehoods as the Soul pushes up charged parts of Self in order that we each take on the New emergence.

While this month of subtle intensity unfolds it will be more difficult not to act on your truths, moment to moment. The old direction the planet was moving in is now becoming very foreign to those Souls bearing Light consciousness. We are poised near the end of a 9 year cycle that began in 2004; its purpose is to deliver a healing of duality and to reveal the power of the Soul living as a conscious experience. Continue reading

Angela Peregoff: Bringing the Soul into Manifestational Bliss

By Angela Peregoff

June 11, 2012

“The recent energetic years have ushered you into the dark abysses and crevices of your fears and doubts.

You cannot be allowed the pleasure of doubting. You cannot doubt your work, your thoughts and intentions, or your choices.

Dispense with what keeps you less than. Dispense what keeps you from loving another. Dispense with what keeps another from loving you. Stop using the excuses of your past to keep you immobilized in the present.“ – Quan Yin through Gillian Macbeth-Louthan

Opportunities mix with challenges during this bi-polar type week of ups and downs giving each of us our mastership training in attuning to a new lens of perception that is quite different than the former lens that much of humanity has used during past and current incarnations. Though this new view may be the cause of some irritation, even jolts of depression and confusion, it’s a blessing. I promise you. Be patient, be curious and don’t turn your back on your Light dynamics as it is attempting to adjust itself.

This next phase of discovery brings with it more – yes, more intense paradigm-shattering energy than we are accustomed to. If you are looking for one of the more uplifting times of the entire year, it’s just arrived with a celestial fanfare (June 4th).  Continue reading

Appreciate the Benefits

By Angela Peregoff

May 28, 2012

When the game of Earth began it was to be a paradise of choice, will, and freedom. From the very beginning of Earth spirits took the opportunity to live in this dynamic plane of existence for it was a unique and thrilling adventure. Of course, in those early days souls inhabited the Earth as ethereal beings without the physical dense bodies that we have now.

As time progressed, as time does, souls needed to remain in vibrational harmony with an evolving Earth so we lowered our own vibrational status so as not to leave this interesting playground of paradise. The ironic part about all of this is that today we believe a higher vibration is better than a lower one. Yet in humanity’s early evolution any advancement was actually accomplished by stepping down our vibration. So you see the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, isn’t it?

The positive and uplifting message in this is that we all know exactly how to innately raise our vibration during the current times of change and evolution. Get excited because there is a Remembrance dwelling within your biology that can master these cycles of change. Continue reading

Morning Blessing – May 24, 2011

The Divine Creative Force that manifests through everything seen and unseen, through everything known and unknown, flows through me as well. There is no place, person or thing where it is not. It is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent, existing long before the big bang and long past the end of imagination. It knows no large or small. It knows no hard or easy. It only knows Goodness and Perfection which is Its true nature. Therefore, goodness and perfection is my true nature as well.

I am one small but very significant part of this Divine Creative Force. I am an offspring of God, I am Spirit just as God is Spirit. God denies nothing to Itself; therefore God denies nothing to me so long as what I desire harms no one including myself.
Therefore any longing that I have finds its perfect expression. My very longing creates its manifestation and I can have whatever my consciousness can hold. God’s love, care and substance flows freely to me and I can imbibe all my cup can hold. That means I can release any belief in illness or disease. I separate from the false notion that I am powerless to states of imbalance. I now look to First Cause and not at outward conditions for their basis as truth in my expression is now null and void. All that I AM is nourished by Spirit so I obliterate from my conscious or unconscious mind any erroneous belief that I need linger in an imperfect, painful existence. All false perceptions of disorder or disunity, of disease, or fear are allowed to be transmuted back into their highest potential and expression of Love, of unlimited Good, of infinite Abundance, of overflowing Grace.

How grateful I am to let go of these false conditions and ideas. To know that I can create a life of joy and light excite and enliven me. As I place these words of positive energy into the Law I give thanks. There is but one life and that is God, and that is me. And so it is.


If you are receiving today’s Blessing and are not yet signed up for our daily mailings we invite you to sign up with the subscription button below, or at Reverend Angela’s website: WWW.ANGELAPEREGOFF.COM email:

The Morning Blessing – May 22, 2012

Omnipotent Spirit, eternal and transforming, is centered in my soul. Filled

with heightened consciousness, I am fully aware that I am contained in this

womb of creation; cared for and nurtured in every moment by the Divine. I

am the unfolding of eternal creation within infinite space. I feel Spirit in me

now and know It is the Truth that replenishes my purpose daily.


With the bursting Light of this day I celebrate my earth walk with tremendous

joy. As I live today’s completeness I experience unprecedented good. On my

journey, that which is needed appears in anticipation and excitement of the

moment. Happiness illumines and transforms me. I absorb the Allness knowing

the great I AM expresses the wonder of me. I affirm truth forever equates and

balances everything, dismissing any idea that no longer serves a purpose.

Responding to the prompting of my I AM presence I lift my intelligence to

limitless potential, allowing my immaculate-center to nourish me.


The magnificence of my sacred journey is the warmth, compassion, and power

of God’s Perfection. Healing Light and Truth fuel me as I savor and accept in

radiant awareness my Divine Process. Into the chamber of governing laws these

words are sent knowing without judgment or hesitation they are honored and
fulfilled. And so it is.


If you are receiving today’s Blessing and are not yet signed up for our daily mailings we invite you to sign up with the subscription button below, or at Reverend Angela’s website: WWW.ANGELAPEREGOFF.COM email:

New Moon Awakening Kiss

By Angela Peregoff

May 21, 2012

“Life is action and passion; therefore, it is required of a man that he should share the passion and action of the time, at peril of being judged not to have lived.”

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

As we sit basking in the dynamic presence of yesterday’s solar eclipse New Moon, there is no longer any question that a cosmic acceleration is influencing our times, as we seem to be in the midst of a new level of amplify. For the next couple of weeks our sun is resting in perfect alignment with the central sun Alcyone in the celestial Pleiadian system. This group of stars represents the seven sisters or seven Goddesses in our galaxy.

We also stand at the culmination of Wesak, a festival celebration of enlightenment.

Typically May is a mystical rebirthing time when we can relax, merge with Spirit, the higher planes, and drink in the elixirs of expanded consciousness. We relax and smell the roses (the scent of the Divine); we feel like focusing on comfort, beauty, security, and harmony within all our resources. However the particular stellar waves that will be pouring in from the galaxies above will be providing the signals and frequencies to anchor newer levels of awareness that include sacred respect for the value of life and consciousness. Continue reading

Full Moons Cleaning House

By Angela Peregoff

May 7, 2012

Third dimensional life has been quite interesting, rather challenging yet engaging, and definitely comprehensive since the full moon.

In my own life, and in the lives of those I interact with daily, there has been a vibratory force of Self-realization shaking loose tensions, restrictions, limitations, etc. from the denser (astral, emotional, etheric and physical) levels of being.

And there won’t be any relief from this latest cosmic clean-up until the next full moon/lunar eclipse on June 4th. If the current healing encounter has you attending to the Soul’s agenda rather than your human reality structure then be certain you are in “slow down” mode as this window of transformation continues to send healing energy to the very depths of your being. Pushing the envelope too fast or too far while the universe is up to its constellation clusters in ascension mischief will prove costly from the personality’s vantage point.

Clean up campaigns such as these continue to receive the good-housekeeping seal of cosmic approval because we are now “apart” from what we have always experienced as life on planet earth (Gaia). As of this year we have journeyed far enough into the New living field that we can start to experience the greater power of Divinity that resides within all.

The call went out many years ago for Gaia and all her inhabitants to rise in consciousness to avoid devastation during this very intense cycle of change. The frequencies of higher love, harmony, understanding, inclusion, and compassion were waiting to baptize this realm of the galactic family and that order of business would guarantee that evolved consciousness would have its own dwelling place where it is able to grow and develop unhindered by the dismissal needs of such attitudes as greed, gluttony, and power.  Continue reading

Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 1 May 2012–-week-ahead-–-1-may-2012

Are you paying attention to the universal sleight-of-hand that is about to happen this coming weekend? If you’re under pressure and thinking that it has all been self-generated then I have some good news for you. The first of two Super Full Moons will occur on May 5th (in Scorpio) and the second a month later on June 4th (in Sagittarius). And just for good measure the cosmos is tossing in a solar eclipse in Gemini on May 20th with a lunar eclipse occurring on the full moon (June 4th) also in Gemini.

If you are trying to figure out a clever way to stay in your body while enduring the torture of spiritual disconnect during the days leading up to and following the first full moon then you certainly won’t be alone. Some words that come to mind when I think of the effects of the upcoming full moon: disassociated, disengaged, displaced, dissatisfied, discouraged, disappointed, disheartened, desperate, defeated, dejected, despondent…dying?

Apparently any feelings of death or dying are appropriate because that is precisely what is happening in some regard – we are dying to yet another layer of the self-created illusion of who we “think” we are in order to become who we truly are. Over the last several days I have had folks in my world expressing a sense of not having direction as how to create the next step in their lives. With the cosmos ready to enter its own state of flux it is clear that long term decisions are not to be made. Nothing is feeling in true alignment at this moment, so tensions and frustrations over a lack of clarity over direction can be quite high. What we can dwell on and move with are the rewards of such cosmic challenges! Continue reading

Daily Blessing – 4/26/2012

Eternal Spirit is everywhere present. It is the elemental power

that fills my vision with a panoramic view of all that has ever

been and all that is destined to be. I recognize my place as a

child of oneness within this Universal Whole. I am the new

hybrid creature of humanity that lives fully lifted in the knowledge

that I am a personal expression of this one eternal spirit.

I open to being thy holy instrument that is learning how to play

itself in a new octave of universal wholeness. I consciously choose

to teach the Self to love more and to become ever more at ease with

the Light. I become divine will that transpires and transforms each

experience of the earthly platform I live. Any ideas or interpretations

that communicate a remembrance of times when I was “less than”

are cleansed and healed instantaneously. I no longer chew upon them.

I realize savoring them only poisons my spirit. They are a falsehood

and a false God so I toss them all into the winds of change and allow

the Holy Spirit to catch them and escort them into purification. All

that I Am and live is now infused with a holiness from on high. At

this very hour I walk the hallway of universal wholeness into a place

of seeking to become peace, of seeking to speak peace, and of seeking

to give peace to others. This is my new journey of heart and soul.

I am so grateful for this adventure of awakening. This journey of

walking into me is the place where Heaven meets Earth. My footsteps,

my intentions, and my thoughts are each necessary for total Divine

unfoldment. And so it is. Amen.


If you are receiving today’s Blessing and are not yet signed up for our daily mailings we invite you to sign up with the subscription button below, or at Reverend Angela’s website: WWW.ANGELAPERGOFF.COM  email:

© 2003 – 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.


Morning Affirmation by Angela Peregof


The synchronicity of all that is demonstrates

magnificence in my life now!

The harmonic chords of Intelligence create the beautiful

sounds of life here on earth.

I continue to awaken to the wonder of creativity and

expression which comes as a result of freedom.

My essence explodes with light and joy as I claim

my space on this planet with ease and grace.

All is perfection and I open myself

to more of my Soul embracing the power within

to create great abundance and prosperity in my life.

I give thanks for the great  passion

permeating my life.

I release this Truth into the Law knowing it

come back tenfold!

Thank you God, and so it is.




If you are receiving today’s Blessing and are not yet signed up for our daily mailings we invite you to sign up with the subscription button below, or at Reverend Angela’s website:  email:


©2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.

Morning Blessing by Angela Peregof

There is only One, and that one is the perfect and infinite Self, the
Beloved, the Source of all things. This One Beloved Source is my source, and
all that I am comes from it. Today I awaken to the intimate connection that
has always existed between me and my creator. It has always existed, and
today, I experience it in all things.

I experience the presence of God in my mind, in my body, and in every choice
I make this day. I see it reflected in the eyes of the people in my life. I
hear it in the sounds around me. It is the food I eat, and it is the air I
breathe. There is nothing that does not mirror to me the presence of God.

I make myself completely available to this experience, offering the time,
the attention, and the willingness to go beyond old ideas of separation.
Whatever it is in me that holds me back from the complete and full
experience of the divine, I let it go. I open my mind and heart to the
beloved. I let my hands do the work of God, my words express the wisdom of
God, and in every moment, I celebrate my true spiritual identity as the way
God shows up in the world. I know that I am one of the ways God heals, one
vehicle for God’s love, one instrument for God’s good. And in this state of
awareness, I am filled with an immense and unending gratitude.

I give thanks for this awareness; the creator and I truly are one! And it is
wonderful. And so it is.

© 2003 – 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.


Morning Blessing by Angela Peregof 4-23-2012

Individuality is the necessary complement of the Universal Spirit.

Consequently man, in his inmost nature, is the product of the Divine

Mind imaging forth an image of itself. This is why I claim empowered

divinity and trust that I am whole and complete. I trust I am God in

expression. I trust that I am All That Is! I am endowed with an innate,

divine, unlimited spiritual power and my only need is to become self

aware of that.


God is simply a self-aware intelligent universal consciousness that

contains all possibilities and since the Universal can only work on

the plane of the particular through the individual I flow this Universal

goodness into suitable directions of secondary causation. My place

in the cosmic order is that of a distributor of the Divine Power. I move

forward in joy to exclaim this acknowledgement of Being. As new

portals of time and consciousness open I peek into all this is a

possibility. The land of spiritual promises and material miracles. I

make order of what would be, what could be, and what shall be. My

mind is clear. My heart is clear. My purpose clear. All that I Am whispers

louder each day; the mirage of humaness dissolves and the evolutionary

process of  Soul becomes crystal clear. In this now moment I unfold into

what it is my heart really needs — what it is that my humaness is so

afraid of, and what it is that the divinity within asks me to have the courage

to do.


I know I’m Spirit; I know I’m more than physical. Thankfully I see from

Original Creation that my state of consciousness must be the cause,

and the corresponding conditions the effect. I live the Creative Order –

from states to conditions! And so it is.

The Morning Blessing by Angela Peregof 04.20.12

I am choosing unconditional love over fear.
I am choosing peace over war.
I am choosing self-trust over self-doubt.
I am choosing abundance over sacristy.
I am choosing the Now over the past.
I am choosing infinite potential over limitation.
I am choosing the higher self over the lower ego self.
I am choosing growth over stagnation.
I am choosing clarity over delusion.
I am choosing wisdom over ignorance.
I am choosing compassion over intolerance.
I am choosing oneness over division.
I am the wayshower of my own truth and wisdom.
I am empowered and enlightened through my own inner guidance and remembrance.
I am open to and in harmony with my divine Creator.
I am releasing all my outdated belief systems.
I am bringing heaven to Earth.
I am bringing peace, serenity, harmony and bliss.
I am that I am, I am and so it is.

DAILY BLESSING by Angela Peregoff 4-19-2012

There is One God, One Mind, One Spirit, and One Power.

I stand in the now and view my world from the Absolute.

The power of every life, the very life itself, is determined

by what it relates itself to. . . I know this as my truth and

can feel its palpable power working and manifesting in and

through all I do.


My life is the out-picturing of the sensuous sense perception of

Spirit. I accept, right here and right now, that I feel the inner spiritual

sense through which man is opened to the direct revelation and Continue reading

Angela Peregoff: 5-D Spring Nesting Instincts

By Angela Peregoff

I hope you landed in April with both feet on the ground and not too much residual effects left over from March’s wild ride. Gaia’s grids were infused a bit more than originally anticipated last month, and anchored with the recent Super Full Moon. As the universe revved up to deliver generous doses of photon-boosted multi-dimensional frequencies it was discovered that human consciousness was on board and ready to support the upgrades.

The result of that support was that Gaia was able to open and receive more than her scheduled helping of evolutionary waves and we got to sit in “uncomfortability” and “process” as we integrated the actualization of the super-sized energies.

We are changing seasons and moving farther away from the traditional third dimensional state of illusion in which we remain trapped far beneath the Soul’s potential. Day by day, month by month we are moving beyond the fast track into hyper-drive as the familiar theater of life closes its doors and compels us into a new evolutionary field of reality. Be gentle with yourself as major adjustments still linger on the horizon. We now stand firmly within transformation being stretched and reformed as Universal Law washes over the entire earth and her expanding dimensions. This is not the time to stick your head in the clouds ignoring the warning signs pointing the way to necessary shifts and changes in your life and world. You are a courageous human being of Light turning into a magnificent Divine master upon planet earth.  Continue reading