Category Archives: Jesus

Mylightwarrior – Ascend through purity into the Christ Collective

  I AM Jon a human, I AM anointed and initiated into the Christ Consciousness Collective. I AM an aspect of the Eternal Father-Mother One, Infinite Creator of All That Is, I AM eternal essence embodied in physical form. I come to you in absolute truth and eternal being in the Christ pointing the way to ascend into the highest energies of Eternal Essence within physical manifested form. You who read this are on this path and I joyously give you the unconditional love and peace of Divine Consciousness with in and through the Heart of One.

The ascension of Human Consciousness is in progress. The Infinite Creator is focusing Divine Mind, will and intent to raise the vibration and purity of the Human collective. So there is a Divine initiative for ascension, an elevation of awareness where each individual aspect of Human Consciousness can align itself with the Eternal Divine Will and Intent. The Intent of Divine Mind is for each individual Human Expression to experience this elevation and reconnect it’s awareness of BEING DIVINE CREATOR ESSENCE EMBODIED. Continue reading

Mylightwarrior – Human Cosciousness Creates by Universal Laws

  I AM Jon a Human, one anointed in the Energies of the Christ and initiated into the Collective of the Christ Consciousness. My, our purpose with, in, and through the Christ Energies is to assist the Human Collective Consciousness to construct a new Consciousness in alignment with the True Nature of Existence. The LAWs of the Universe are constant and unchanging and operate on the level of Consciousness. We are speaking of Cause and Effect, Bonding and Repulsion with Electromagnetic systems operating at the smallest unit of creation to the largest. Universal Laws of Existence relate ONLY to activities of consciousness and are undeviating. Universal Law relates to the causative factor of Consciousness. This causative factor is attract/magnetize electric particles that bond together and appear as solid form and experiences. 

YOUR personal CONSCIOUSNESS is responsible for whatever comes into YOUR life and personal experiences. Through YOUR thoughts and intentions you CAUSE and EFFECT, YOU BOND and REPULSE the solid form and experiences YOU create for YOURSELF. WE the Christ tell YOU that you are responsible for YOURSELF, others can only assist and guide, its up to YOU to change YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS. Continue reading

John Smallman – Jesus – This Is Indeed A Most Wonderful Time To Be On Earth! – 19 June 2013

jesusHumanity’s powerful progression along the path to awakening continues.  Despite the apparent delays – because truly there are no delays, ever – all is proceeding apace as more and more of humanity realize that what they have been experiencing as life, riven with disagreements and conflicts, is not what they had intended, not what they had wanted, because love and acceptance is what everyone without exception really desires and is seeking.  This worldwide growth in awareness of the inadequacy of the life experience for most of humanity is causing many to reflect on it and to intend to change it.  Your intent is powerful, and your collective realization of the inadequacy of the human life experience is leading to awareness that the only way that the essential changes to humanity’s way of living can be achieved is if each and every one of you changes your own attitudes and behaviors.  Waiting for others to change cannot, does not, and will not work, and that has finally become apparent to large numbers of you, large enough numbers to change the collective intent.  That is what is happening, and that is quite fantastic progress. Continue reading

John Smallman – Jesus – The Era Of Unending Conflicts And Wars Is To Come To An Abrupt End

jesusHere in the spiritual realms we are all most enthusiastically cheering you on as you continue to release all that is unloving and which prevents you from seeing each other as you truly are: beloved children of your infinitely loving Father, God, the Source of all that exists.  As you collectively strengthen and intensify your intention to embrace the field of divine Love and release all that is not in harmony with it, the essential changes to ensure your well-being and bring you Home to Reality continue to occur with increasing rapidity.

Humanity is, on a massive scale, turning towards love and away from fear, and this is very easily seen when you observe the release of so many supposedly secret intelligence-agency files into the public domain.  Transparency and openness – essential aspects of the honesty and integrity necessary for a truly free society to flourish – are escalating and being encouraged and demonstrated across the world, as courageous individuals decide to honor their consciences by disclosing that which they had been forbidden to disclose.  It has become utterly inconceivable for them to continue to allow such monstrous secrets to remain hidden any longer as they realize the extent to which the enormous and endemic corruption in governments, corporations, and even religious organizations – which were originally set up to operate with unimpeachable honesty on behalf of the societies in which they became established – has completely undermined their ability to operate in the manner that society has a right to expect and rely on. With well-known public figures making statements to stimulate an ongoing expansion of this most meritorious trend it has now become unstoppable.  The scale of corruption that is soon to be fully revealed will, for most of you, be extremely shocking. Continue reading

John Smallman – Jesus – You Are Bringing In Enormous Evolutionary Change Of A Most Essential Nature – 13 June 2013

the wildHere in the spiritual realms we, in every moment, are pouring out our love and our assistance to help you in your awakening process.  To many of you it seems that your progress has stalled, but we can assure you with the utmost confidence that this is most definitely not the case.  Your progress is proceeding, as perfectly and divinely intended, and will continue ceaselessly until you awaken.  And we are your spiritual guides and mentors who contracted to be with you at all times throughout this period of intense spiritual evolution that you chose to undergo.

What you are doing is of great benefit to all sentient life forms.  You are bringing in enormous evolutionary change of a most essential nature, while for the most part remaining unaware of the immense task that you have so willingly undertaken.  And you are succeeding quite brilliantly.  It is a sweeping away of the dark, of the unreal physical limitations that appear so real.  Once, you believed that the earth was flat, that instant communication over great distances was beyond belief, and that rapid and convenient travel across the world and into space was impossible.  Those were all limited belief concepts that have been permanently proved erroneous.  What other beliefs do you have that will be proven false?  Countless numbers! Continue reading

Jesus via John Smallman: The Emotional Issues Coming Up for You are Your Attachments

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus channeled by John Smallman: The Emotional Issues Coming Up for You are Your Attachments

May 10, 2013  –

You can listen to John’s readying of this post here:

Humanity has always been enveloped by, but unaware of, the divine field of Love – all of creation is contained lovingly within it – but now the reality of this concept is breaking through into your awareness and can no longer be dismissed as delusional or make-believe nonsense by those who are fearful of anything that their physical senses cannot identify and measure.

Scorn and disbelief of realms other than the physical no longer cut it because there is far too much evidence to prove otherwise, and more is being detected daily. Truly the first signs of humanity’s awakening are becoming ever more manifest, in fact the truth that you will most definitely awaken into your natural state as fully conscious beings can no longer be meaningfully denied. Continue reading

Jesus: A Sea Change in the Way Information is Released into the Public Domain is Underway

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150As channeled by John Smallman – April 26, 2013

A sea change in the way information is released into the public domain is underway

John’s reading of this post can be heard here:

We are watching with joy from here in the spiritual realms as the divine energies surrounding you all start to really take effect, so much so that even in your mainstream news media some “good news” is being reported, albeit with a certain lack of the overarching enthusiasm that they show when disasters strike! Nevertheless, it is a sign of things to come.

The Good News can no longer be ignored, dismissed, or go unreported. A sea change in the way information is released into the public domain is underway, although that reportage always lags behind when it comes to reporting on the alterations occurring in attitudes, behaviors, and awareness that have resulted in those changes. Continue reading

Jesus: Fear is an Illness, and it is Healed by Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Acceptance

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150As channeled by John Smallman – April 24, 2013

Fear is an illness, and it is healed by Love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance

John’s reading of this post can be found here:

The purpose of an illusion is to capture your full attention in order to distract you so that you do not see something the illusionist wants to keep hidden, unseen, and unrecognized by you. And you are the illusionist!

You wanted God to remain hidden, unseen, unrecognized. And the illusion that you built has worked extremely well. However, the vast majority of humanity has had its fill — the value of novelty wears off — and now wants and intends to see and recognize what has been hidden. That intent is completely in alignment with the Will of God, and therefore cannot fail to be achieved; consequently, humanity will awaken, and into eternal joy.

Your divine destiny is inevitable, but you have free will and can therefore delay your arrival, your awakening indefinitely if you choose to do so — remember that time is also illusory! Not releasing your baggage — all the emotional “stuff” that has accumulated over the eons, and your many earth lifetimes — delays you. Continue reading

You Are Society’s Teacher

Jesus_065Dear friends,

I am here with such joy. Feel my joy. I love to see you all here united as brothers and sisters. This is what the New Earth is about. When people meet each other with an open heart, when they join together in a circle like this, something new arises, something much more than the sum total of the individuals. So feel the energy that you have created together in these past few days. It is your energy.

Take pride in yourselves, you are the carriers of the Christ energy today, and I want to pass on the torch to you. Imagine that you are holding a torch in your right hand and hold it out in front of you, do not be intimidated. Now look around you, what is the first thing you see? Do you see other people around you? There are people around you who want to enjoy and receive your light, because your torch burns like no other, you are unique.

Sometimes it makes me sad to see how you hide your own torch, your own light, which is so much needed now on Earth. I appeal to you today to stand up and show your light to the world. It will deeply fulfill you to do so, it is your mission, your true path. Continue reading

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Being the Bridge to the New Earth

pamela kribbeChannelled by Pamela Kribbe – February 2013

Dear friends, dear family of mine,

I love you all deeply. I am here from a space of friendship. I am your equal; I am not a master standing above you. I want to be with you from soul to soul and also from human to human. I know what it is like to be human on Earth and to experience deep emotions of doubt, fear, and anger. I want you all to have compassion for yourselves and all the emotions you have. But, above all, I want you to be aware of your greatness.

In this day and age, we are moving into a new reality on Earth. A new consciousness is being born right now. It is a consciousness that is founded on the heart and based on the oneness we all share. You all long for this consciousness to manifest on Earth, and you live for it – it is your highest ideal. But what I would like to impress upon you is that you are the carriers of this consciousness. Continue reading

Jesus: Humanity is at a Crossroads


As channelled by John Smallman – April 3, 2013

Humanity is at a crossroads

John’s reading of today’s post is here:

Humanity is at a crossroads. Many are not ready to surrender to Love, to their divine nature, although at the deepest level of their being they have always intended to do so.

An intense effort on your part, the wayshowers and Light-bearers, is essential now to assist them to remember their God-given intent to accept and embrace their true nature. You are receiving massive amounts of energy from all in the spiritual realms to move you forwards on your path to awakening and homecoming, but many of you were disappointed by the lack of evidence in the world around you of your entry into the New Age in December last year.Consequently, many of you have let your intent and resolve to awaken weaken as you have got caught up once more in the distractions of the illusion.

Remember that it is you who have to awaken; we can only nudge you towards that state, and to awaken you have to focus on doing so. And as Light-bearers and wayshowers your intent to do so is immensely powerful when you choose to engage with it. Also, that intent strongly affects those who remain, at present, unable or unwilling to respond to the stirrings in their hearts which the new energies are arousing. Your intent arouses and strengthens theirs. Continue reading

John Smallman – Jesus – You Are Becoming Less Addicted To The Illusion’s Validity

Jesus_065Download: 2013-03-31-jesus-audio-blog-for-easter-sunday-march-31.mp3

One is the number of God’s creations, but One is not in any way limiting — it is infinite.  This is a very complex concept for you to grasp let alone make any sense of; in fact, it is rather a paradox while you remain constrained by your physical bodies, so don’t even try — it is quite unnecessary.  Just accept that it is so.  Surrender to it and know that you are not being misled.

You do understand and accept that what each one of you thinks, says, or does, has effects way beyond your immediate vicinity because your modern science of physics has proved that to the satisfaction of the brightest intelligences amongst you.  And if this is so, as it most definitely is, then it follows that all are One, and that One is the number of God’s creations – One embracing infinite multitudes if you prefer, but One it is.

The One creation – God and all that is – is constantly sharing with Itself the Love that is the life force, the intelligence, the sentience, and the consciousness that enables awareness of self and others, and allows and encourages enthusiastic interaction among and within that One.  The One is a state of infinite, everlasting and ecstatic joy and happiness, and it is your Home where the infinite warmth of divine acceptance embraces you always.  The illusion is a distraction that needs to be discarded, dissolved, and that will happen when you withdraw your collective attention from it. Continue reading

Jesus: You are Becoming Less Addicted to the Illusion’s Validity

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150As channelled by John Smallman – March 31, 2013

John’s reading of today’s post is here:

One is the number of God’s creations, but One is not in any way limiting — it is infinite. This is a very complex concept for you to grasp let alone make any sense of; in fact, it is rather a paradox while you remain constrained by your physical bodies, so don’t even try — it is quite unnecessary. Just accept that it is so. Surrender to it and know that you are not being misled.

You do understand and accept that what each one of you thinks, says, or does, has effects way beyond your immediate vicinity because your modern science of physics has proved that to the satisfaction of the brightest intelligences amongst you. And if this is so, as it most definitely is, then it follows that all are One, and that One is the number of God’s creations – One embracing infinite multitudes if you prefer, but One it is. Continue reading

Jesus: No Solutions Can be Found by Joining With the Darkness in its Conflicts

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150As channelled by John Smallman – march 27, 2013

No solutions can be found by joining with the darkness in its conflicts

Listen to John’s reading of this post here:

We are One, God, and all of creation, all sentient consciousness, every single incarnate human (who has been in, is now in, or will enter that state of human embodiment), all that exists.

You know this because you have been told it more than often enough, and deep within yourselves your intuition tells you it is true, even though as embodied humans you do not for the most part experience it. A few have had brief and ecstatic encounters with that Oneness, but while you remain embodied they can only be temporary, although the memories remain, because you cannot bring those encounters into the illusion, into time, where you appear to have your existence – they are timeless, limitless, eternal, and so it is impossible. They just won’t fit!

But knowing, believing, and having faith that all are One, focus on treating all others as if they were yourself, and then, most importantly, treat yourself well. If you do not treat yourselves well – lovingly, kindly, compassionately, non-judgmentally – you cannot treat others well. That does not, of course, mean that you should expect them to be like you, with similar beliefs and interests, because there are infinite numbers of ways to know God, and to assume, as many do, that your way is the right way, the only way, leads, as you very well know, to unending conflict. Continue reading

Jesus: Forgive Yourselves for What in Truth You Have Not Done

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150As channelled by by John Smallman – March 24, 2013

Forgive yourselves for what in truth you have not done

Here is John’s reading of today’s post:

The news is good as the intensifying divine energies sweep across the planet, embracing all. No one is left unembraced because all are one, and as all intend to awaken, all will awaken.

It is your Father’s Will and yours too, so no other outcome is remotely possible. Focus on the good news that is being reported in many places and add your loving energy and enthusiasm to it. Be aware of any bad news but do not focus on it with anxiety or judgment because that gives it energy. Just send love and compassion to those involved, whatever their roles appear to be.

Your loving intent dissolves fear and anger. To maintain a loving intent at all times is the most positive action you can take to assist in humanity’s awakening, and it is your main reason for being incarnate at this point in Earth’s history. You have enormous assistance from all those in the spiritual realms who have been preparing for this momentous leap forward in humanity’s evolution. You are reclaiming your spiritual inheritance by opening your hearts to the field of divine Love surrounding you, and by doing so changing yourselves and the world. You can have no idea of what this truly means, but when you awaken all will become most wondrously clear to you.

The divine field of Love has always surrounded you, but because of your refusal to embrace Love utterly and completely, thus letting go of anything not in alignment with It, you have effectively denied yourselves the benefits that It offers you – peace, joy, abundance, ecstatic bliss – while attempting to convince yourselves that competitive games of conflict and betrayal were what life was for – the certain and consistent domination of the weak by the strong. When you were disguised as the strong the games were fun, and when you were the weak ones they were disastrous, and you developed an intense sense of bitterness and hate that locked out the joy of life and convinced you that Love was weak and would always lead to further betrayal. So, even when you were strong, happiness, joy, and love eluded you because you could trust no one. Continue reading

Jesus: Any Personal Lack of Self-Esteem is Totally Inappropriate

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150As channelled by John Smallman – March 13, 2013

Any personal lack of self-esteem is totally inappropriate

John’s reading of today’s post is here:

Humanity is advancing rapidly towards awakening into its natural state of being fully conscious at all times. Your awareness of your spiritual essence is growing, and as a direct result you are doing less and less from an unconscious state, from a state of unawareness, and so you are observing and questioning your thoughts, words, and actions quite rigorously in contrast to what you were doing as recently as last year, 2012.

And this is very good news. It demonstrates that your spiritual evolution is progressing extremely well in response to the new energies that have enveloped you.

Of course, this new awareness can be unsettling because you find yourselves observing and questioning attitudes and behaviors of which you were previously almost wholly unconscious, or, if somewhat aware, which you thought were perfectly normal and appropriate. Now you are often not so sure.

To be unsure and questioning is the start of the release from fear, because fear generally leads to denial and suppression. It takes courage to question your assumptions, to recognize that some – or even most – of your habitual patterns of behavior are not something to be proud of, and then to take appropriate action to change them. By changing them, you change yourselves – the selves that you present to the world. And then, on top of that, other people notice the changes in you, which can also be unsettling. Continue reading

Jesus: Life Will Become a Joy

As channelled by John Smallman – November 18, 2012

Life will become a joy

Among the Light-workers and way-showers excitement is intensifying in anticipation of humanity’s imminent awakening. You are invited to encourage this because enthusiasm and excitement drive your intent, and it is your collective intent that will bring it to fruition.

It is your awakening and you are making it happen. You have limitless assistance from your guides and angels, but it is your decision, your intent that makes it happen. Allegory: you want to raise a corner of your car off the ground to change a wheel. You do not have the strength, but you do have a jack.

You place the jack under the lifting point and pump the handle (intention to raise that wheel off the ground) and the jack (spiritual assistance from your guides and angels) will raise the vehicle effortlessly, and so your intent is achieved. Maintain your collective intent that humanity awaken (mass meditations are a very effective way to maintain and intensify that intent) and bring it about.

As you know, your untiring efforts to awaken yourselves and humanity and dissolve the illusion are greatly honored here in the spiritual realms, where, should you so desire, you will soon be able to join us and directly and unmistakably experience the wonder of God’s Love for all of His creation.

The divine field of Love, in which all of creation resides permanently, is also your eternal Home. It awaits your return patiently, knowing that you do intend to return and that you will return. When you do so it will be as though you had never left, which of course you have not. All are looking forward to enjoying the delight and wonder that lights up your faces when you awaken and the divine Light of Reality bathes you in the brilliance of Its glory. Continue reading

Yeshua: Your Progress is Magnificent!

As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ November 12, 2012

Greetings, beautiful Beings of Light.

I come before you today to bring you such joyful tidings. Much has happened in your World that is not quite visible to the eye but many are feeling it in their hearts.

We of the Company of Heaven commend you for your wonderful meditations during the 11-11 portal opening and we implore you to keep up with it. So much has transpired, you would be astounded.

You are getting a glimpse of your immense power, dear beloveds, and what you have been able to accomplish thus far will take you even further with each passing day as you tap further into the recesses of your I AM Presence.

Now is the time to keep up the momentum and focus your energies using all you have learned as precedent. Many of you are getting acquainted with your abilities to transcend the reaches of your consciousness to include your fellow beings without being pulled down into the lower dimensions. You are lifting yourselves and others and are remaining longer in the higher dimensions and higher consciousness.

Mother Earth thanks you for your efforts to bring her safely into the higher realms and is soaring with you into the higher realms and is settling now into the higher frequencies.

Some adjustment must be made for you to accommodate the influx of intense Light and so you may find yourself still clearing old patterns and old vestiges of your former life in duality. Shake it off as Earth continues to do, and feed it with the newfound Light for its further transmutation. Continue reading

Archangel Michael and Krishna – Ascension Tools

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – November 12, 2012

It is with the deepest love and light that we, Archangel Michael and Krishna, gather our energies and consciousness together to be of service to you today. The reason we have been guided to come forward to you is because both of the qualities that we hold need to be magnified abundantly within your being. We represent the divine will of the Creator, the protection and action of the Creator and the joyful compassion of the Creator.
The presence of Krishna’s energy in your auric field and being is to bring forth a sacred innocence formed as and from joy, truth and elation. The Creator through Krishna is calling you to connect with your inner spiritual child; this is not the child of your current reality but the child of your soul, in truth the essence, innocence of your soul, before it began the experience of the Earth and the journey of ascension.

In many ways the aspect of your soul before your incarnation process began was so pure bathed in the abundance of the Creator’s light, you may say somewhat unknowing of the challenges of the Earth. It was at this moment that your soul was almost childlike and it is this essence and truth of your soul that needs to reunite with your current existence on the Earth to bring forward a greater connection and oneness with yourself and soul. Continue reading

Jesus: Release Your Baggage and Prepare to Float Away Up Out of the Illusion

As channelled by John Smallman – November 11, 2012

Release your baggage and prepare to float away up out of the illusion

All the loose ends from the essential disentangling of negative emotional energy threads that have plagued humanity for eons are being tidied away, and the clearing up of the debris of old emotional attachments that no longer serve you is almost complete.

The forcefield of the dark energies that have ensnared you in the illusion — by maintaining and supporting the veil that hides Reality from you — is being steadily dissolved. A clean and fresh environment to embrace and support the new age is being firmly established.

The Light of divine Love is blazing through the darkness, allowing openness and transparency to prevail, and positively empowering all discussions and negotiations to resolve all the issues that have been holding back your moment of awakening.

The Light that envelops Earth is brilliant and powerfully focused, ensuring that awakening takes place as planned. And this Light can be seen from throughout your Milky Way Galaxy as the peace and Love that It signifies is transmitted far and wide to signal the dawning of this new divine era for humanity and Mother Earth. The momentous significance of this amazing awakening into awareness by humanity of its eternal relationship with God will astound you.

Most of humanity has a belief in God, but it is mostly a belief in a God Who keeps precise records of the sins of each and every one of you, and Who, at the moment immediately following your bodily death, makes uncompromising judgments of your failings; a God Who then demands that restitution for those failings be made by sacrifice, suffering, pain, and tears. Continue reading

Sananda: An Explosion of Love

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ November 8, 2012 (Website)

Greetings, beloveds, Beings of the Light that you are.

The time has come for you to see just exactly what you are made of. You often get glimpses and in these changing times, it is becoming more apparent to you. You are becoming again that immense ball of Light that permeated so much within and around you so many eons ago.

Yes, dear ones, the stage is being set for you to emerge as your True Selves in all ways and at all times. It will be astounding to you, for you so far have just had a glimpse of it, and I must say some more than others, but that will all even out as more and more come on-line.

There is thus to be an explosion revealing everyone’s true make-up that has been and is being precipitated by the raising of the frequencies and by the raising of your consciousness. It has been and is contagious, as you know, and for this we give our assistance. For everyone who asks our assistance in the raising of their light quotient and understanding, there are many more that are affected just by that act.

You all are so capable of this new venture that is beginning anew with the next portal opening of 11-11, which is widening as we speak. The stakes are raised, so to speak, and the stage is set for a unifying event not ever revealed or experienced before. Continue reading

Jesus: Establishing a Relationship With Your Own Deep Presence

As channelled by John Smallman – November 7, 2012

Establishing a relationship with your own deep presence

Here in the spiritual realms — at the level of consciousness that prevails outside your illusory realm — we continue to assist you in your awakening process, constantly. And I confirm that your awakening is divinely assured.

Release your doubts about it and focus on your powerful inner knowing that this is so. Your long journey home is almost completed and a grand welcome awaits you. Until you arrive, maintain your course positively and lovingly, knowing that your arrival is imminent.

Life as way-showers and Light-holders is difficult because it seems that so few members of humanity are interested in the spiritual path that all, without exception, are following. Consequently, you often feel very alone.

Nevertheless, every human is a spiritual being having a bodily experience, and that body, while essential for the journey, is very distracting because it appears to have so many needs that require instant attention

If you do not take time out daily — alone with yourself, in contemplation, meditation, or prayer — you cannot find any peace, and your life easily becomes a constant and seemingly never-ending rush to accomplish repetitive tasks that offer very little satisfaction. It becomes very grueling and wears you down. Joy and fun depart, to be replaced by reams of unrewarding chores that you are convinced you must complete. Continue reading

Jesus: You are Progressing Like a Wind-Driven Forest Fire

As channelled by John Smallman- November 4, 2012

You are progressing like a wind-driven forest fire

The strength and intensity of the divine field of Love enveloping you continues to increase as more of you set your intent to accept its embrace, meld with it, and share its benefits as widely as you can.

One of the most effective ways for you to do this is to focus on remembering that another’s attacking or defensive behaviors and attitudes are in fact calls for love and acceptance, calls to which they themselves are most unlikely to be able to respond.

Therefore, respond lovingly and compassionately — albeit silently if necessary — to that call for help. And then offer love to yourselves in honor of the love that you have just shared.

Your various cultures worldwide have all encouraged the dishonoring of children who do not, will not, or cannot conform to the cultural norms that are being imposed upon them.

Cultural norms are very useful as a means of offering behavioral guidance so that people can interact satisfactorily and harmoniously, but too often they become rigid and inflexible rules. These crush the creative spirit that would assist your spiritual evolution by withholding love, affection, and approval from the little ones until they conform.

The result is that children grow up feeling unworthy and unacceptable, and then, as adults, they are for the rest of their human lives constantly expecting to be negatively judged.

That anxious expectation drains their energy and their natural spontaneity and joy. Life should be joyful, and to prevent or restrict it by imposing inflexible rules and standards is very damaging, and causes children to grow up seeking outside approval for their very existence. The joy of life, of existence is a God-given gift to which every sentient being is divinely entitled. Continue reading

Jesus: You Have Hunkered Down into Physical Bodies That Restrict You

As channelled by John Smallman – November 2, 2012

You have hunkered down into physical bodies that restrict you

You are sentient energy beings of enormous power and creative abilities who have chosen for a short while to limit yourselves severely within the illusory environment in which you are presently experiencing life.

You have the ability to manifest your presence anywhere you choose, and you are there as soon as you make that choice. Where you are now is the result of a choice that you made and continue to adhere to. You always have the freedom to change your mind, and you will shortly choose to awaken into Reality, leaving the illusion and all the psychic and emotional baggage that you gathered while you were there to fade away, forgotten and unnoticed.

As you move towards this most significant and amazing event – significant and amazing, because it is totally unimaginable in your present unreal realm of unpleasant and disturbing dreams – you are releasing the bonds that tie you to your present state of limited consciousness.

These bonds are any attitudes or beliefs that are in conflict with unconditional love. You have become so accustomed to judging others wrong and trying to prove yourselves to be right that those egoic distractions are very hard for you to ignore, let alone discard. But they are bonds that must and will be untied to free you from suffering and limitation.

Because you are divine beings, one with your Father, your will is in alignment with His, and His Will is that you awaken into your fully-conscious and natural state. Therefore, you will. Presently, it is extremely difficult for you to conceive of Reality and what it means, because you have hunkered down into physical bodies that restrict you horribly in myriad ways. Continue reading

Jesus: The Illusion is But a Trick of Your Collective Perception, Soon to be Dissolved

As channelled by John Smallman – October 27, 2012

The illusion is but a trick of your collective perception, soon to be dissolved

Humanity is poised on the edge of the illusion, preparing to move out of it, so that it may collapse back in on itself and into the state of non-existence from which you imagined it.

However real it may seem to you, and some of you see it as far more real than others, it really is but a trick of your collective perception, soon to be dissolved. Collectively gathering together to make it seem real is no longer going to work because so many have realized that it is an illusion and they are no longer prepared to give their power away to the collective to further prolong humanity’s unnecessary suffering within its narrow, unappealing, and illusory confines.

Confinement is not a state in which it is appropriate for God’s beloved children to be held, and He most certainly could never have conceived of such an unloving and restrictive state.

Your decision to build and maintain it has presented you with many difficulties and problems that have grown bigger and seemingly more insoluble despite your increasing assortment of technical tools and devices to assist you in controlling your environment. The reason for this is that you have engaged with fear and closed yourselves off from love.

When you are guided and empowered by love no issues or problems are insoluble, but the state of separation that the illusion upholds, and would have you believe is real, encourages a state of fear so that you can plan for and protect yourselves from the dangers with which it surrounds you. And of course it does not work, as you are constantly discovering — because you are the dangers from which you are striving to protect yourselves! Continue reading

Jesus: You are Being Lovingly Activated to Bring Your Spiritual Abilities on Line

As channelled by John Smallman – October 25, 2012

You are being lovingly activated to bring your spiritual abilities on line

Many of you are experiencing heavenly dreams as the moment for humanity’s awakening draws ever closer. Enjoy them, revel in them, and know that they are but a very faint intimation of what truly lies ahead for you.

The creative power that God possesses, and lovingly shares with you in its entirety, is completely beyond your ability to comprehend while you remain entangled within the illusion. Nevertheless, you are soon going to be availing yourselves of it and delighting in the infinite possibilities that it offers you. Prepare yourselves for never-ending amazing and delightful, heavenly surprises when you awaken.

Until then, focus attentively on your intent to awaken and on your other equally important task: the intent to assist everyone with whom you interact to awaken as well.

Your assistance is vital, so be careful not to dismiss your thoughts on how you can best help others as grandiose projections thrown up by your egos, although some might be, because you are now being lovingly activated to bring your spiritual abilities on line in divine service to your sleeping brothers and sisters.

Just remembering to hold that intent and share it with all of humanity is extremely effective because you are all very powerful, divine beings. It is just that your awareness of that fact is presently hidden from you by the veils of the illusion — but not for very much longer.

When you awaken into your fully-conscious state the unfolding vistas of opportunities opening up before you will uplift and inspire you as your unlimited creative abilities entice you to explore the ideas and concepts that start flowing into your newly enhanced awareness. Continue reading

Jesus: All Has to be Revealed Publicly to Help People Understand the Reason for Massive Changes

As channelled by John Smallman – October 17, 2012

All has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason for massive changes

The intensity of your expectations continues to increase as do the energies of Love surrounding you in preparation for your awakening. Do not be discouraged by the negative news – of wars, of dishonest politics and economics, of corporate disregard for the environment, and of general corruption – because it is merely bringing out into the open what many of you have long known.

All this has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason that massive changes in the way you live on Earth are essential to the general well-being.

And major changes are starting to occur as those with vision and integrity increase their efforts to alert humanity to some of the more egregious damage that has been inflicted on the planet and on humanity, purportedly in the name of progress and economic necessity.

The time for willful dismissal of the best interests of humanity, by those who have taken unto themselves the right and the power to make and put into effect policies and practices whose scandalous intent is hidden from public view, are at an end.

An age of peace and abundance, when humans can truly uncover, develop, and expand their enormous creative abilities, is almost upon you. As it dawns the wonder of all life and the fashion in which it expresses itself will disclose itself in myriad displays of astounding beauty and interwoven complexity. When you begin to understand en masse the divine creative potential that has always been available to you, and of which you are all fully integrated and irreplaceable germinal collaborators, the dazzling array of possibilities that open up before you will provide you with endless delight and enchantment. Continue reading

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Play in the Garden of Love

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 15, 2012

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:

Dear friends and beloveds, we come before you today to share some secrets of life. They are not truly secrets if you look at them as the truths you have been holding on to since the beginning of duality, when you embarked on your quest for knowledge, independent of the knowledge and truth of your Divinity and Wholeness.

You always carried a thread of this true knowledge of your Divinity and Wholeness and that is the secret you are allowing to come into your consciousness as we speak.

You hold those morsels of truth deep within your hearts and they are like seeds rapidly growing to fruition. What it takes for them to grow, you often give with love and abandon, but there are times when you pull away from their nurturing because the pull of the familiar beckons you.

We ask you now to pay attention to those pulls and attractions to the familiar, and to be still for the moment and examine if they are holding you back from your vision of yourself with the New Earth. You have come so far, dear ones. It will just take your sincere attention to keep navigating the path, avoiding any pitfalls along the way.

Your Ascension is guaranteed as long as you hold the desire in your hearts, as long as you base everything on your hearts, as long as you take care to weed out any opportunistic foliage in your garden that wants to choke out your deep Love for yourself and for others.

The time has come to stay focused on the Garden of your Heart, carefully weeding out any thoughts of judgment or doubt as to your inherent Divinity, your inherent connection with Source, with Creator.

By now you all are having the opportunity to stay connected with Source, to channel your own information and knowledge that is important for you to keep going on this path of Love. Distractions are always going to be there, but you are getting better at discerning what is true for you, what is important for you and what is purely of Creator of All-That-Is. Continue reading

Natalie Glasson: Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene – Accept Your Free Will

Channelled through Natalie Glasson – October 12, 2012

Natalie: This message is very special to me as it was given to me by two beloved beings, Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene who have been powerful guiding lights for me in this life time and past lifetimes. I feel that this message will be special for many people who are close to me as it has so many levels of meaning and understanding. It is a message that brings insight into my own life and I hope that it offers the same for you.

I wish to dedicate this channelling to Frederico Venturini who after attending my Ireland Retreat, ‘Light Ascension Synthesis Ashram 15-22nd September 2012’ passed away ( I feel ascended) only seven days later at the age of 41. I am greatly honoured that I was able to meet Fred and to receive the open hearted love and compassion that he gave so willingly to all. His presence on the Earth will be missed but I know his light will be ever with us at this special time of ascension. Fred’s chosen affirmation at the retreat was, ‘I am Limitless.’
With love, greetings and blessings we come forward to you with an immensely important message that we wish to enlighten your mind with in order for you to continue to follow your spiritual path of growth on the Earth with greater courage, confidence and support from the Creator. We, Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene, come forward as a united consciousness representing the immense unity that exists between the male and female energies of the Earth and the Creator, as well as the unity, brotherhood and sisterhood that exists between us all, meaning that we are all interconnected as one. Continue reading

Communicating with Your Soul

Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends, I am Jeshua. I am with you. My energy connects itself with yours; feel it around and through you. I am no stranger to you. We are familiar to each other, so feel that familiarity. The Christ energy is not foreign to you. In your heart there is a flame, an inspiration, a desire, and also a knowing, that this is the life and times in which you want to embody your Christ light here on Earth. You have waited a long time for this opportunity. You have carried this tiny spark within yourself through multiple lifetimes, and now you sense that a new opportunity has come. One of the reasons you wanted to be born on Earth at this time was for the promise of that spark to burst into a flame that is clearly visible to yourself and to others. The desire that brings you here is to form, in one way or another, a channel for the divine soul energy in yourself to be realized in this life on Earth. You want to be carried along by the song of your soul. You want to remember who you are beyond what has shaped your life on Earth from the outside.

Each of you acquires opinions and beliefs about yourself during your upbringing. You absorb ideas and images from your parents, family, peers, school, etc. You begin to play certain roles without questioning them, and you soon develop something called a “personality”: a set of habits, behaviors, and thoughts. But at some time in the course of growing up, something else awakens in you. First, it is no more than a whisper; a memory that you cannot place; a knowing that you are more than what is just determined by the world outside yourself. There is something deeper, a layer that cannot be contained and understood by the human intellect. Herein lies your core, that which precedes and survives the earthly sphere – your soul. Continue reading