Category Archives: Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel: Your heart is a point of stillness from which all knowledge and creation springs

Masters I AM Archangel Jophiel and I come to you in action to assist with the ascension. I AM within many realms and support the creative forces of the universal creator source. I have always been present in your realm assisting the web of creation. It is my cosmic light and unconditional love that assist in carrying forth creation in your realm. We have always know one another and have journeyed and worked side by side. In the earth realm I am now coming forth to assist you in lifting your light and moving into the higher realms of creation.

Masters, deep within your heart is a point of stillness from which all knowledge and creation springs. Quieting you mind and your body focus your awareness deep within your heart. From this stillness bring forth a quite thought which moves from the stillness of your heart out into creation. Feel joy that you have just created the start of the universal process to manifest your request. Hold your vision of this as being already done and say, “And so it is”. The key to your creative process is in the creation vision and following your heart discernment as steps are brought into place to fulfill your request. What kills you creation is fear and thoughts of how the request should be given to you by the creator source. You need to bring forth creation from the stillness of the heart and follow you heart to completion. Let the universe bring that which you need into your life. Sit back and wait patiently in love and peace. In some cases it requires some time to align things for your needs. Continue reading

Archangel Jophiel: Your heart is a point of stillness from which all knowledge and creation springs

Masters I AM Archangel Jophiel and I come to you in action to assist with the ascension. I AM within many realms and support the creative forces of the universal creator source. I have always been present in your realm assisting the web of creation. It is my cosmic light and unconditional love that assist in carrying forth creation in your realm. We have always know one another and have journeyed and worked side by side. In the earth realm I am now coming forth to assist you in lifting your light and moving into the higher realms of creation.

Masters, deep within your heart is a point of stillness from which all knowledge and creation springs. Quieting you mind and your body focus your awareness deep within your heart. From this stillness bring forth a quite thought which moves from the stillness of your heart out into creation. Feel joy that you have just created the start of the universal process to manifest your request. Hold your vision of this as being already done and say, “And so it is”. The key to your creative process is in the creation vision and following your heart discernment as steps are brought into place to fulfill your request. What kills you creation is fear and thoughts of how the request should be given to you by the creator source. You need to bring forth creation from the stillness of the heart and follow you heart to completion. Let the universe bring that which you need into your life. Sit back and wait patiently in love and peace. In some cases it requires some time to align things for your needs. Continue reading

Archangel Jophiel: In this transition you are a bridge for others

My dear brothers and sisters we have have been on many escapades together. Soon you will remember them and we will once again laugh and have bliss and joy together. It is time for your awakening into the grand finally of your mission. We tell you this and say awaken, awaken and see your multi-dimensional self. I sent you my cosmic dust and you scattered it throughout the infinity of your being. You are a powerful creators and this heritage beckons to you.

We want you to have confidence in your abilities. Trust in your knowing as you are able to see into all points of time and space. You are moving into a stage of your development where time begins to be only in the moment. You are spending the majority of you time now in the higher planes and you are seeing and knowing through the spiral of time. We are joyful of this happening.

Stay focused in your intent and let go of the material realm. The last cords you have with the lower realms are almost broken. We are guiding you and assisting you in the process. With the final breaking of attachments you will be able to move freely into the higher planes of existence. At this time you have been spending limited time in the higher planes during your night journeys. Continue reading

Heavenly Blessings, April 5, 2012, with Archangel Jophiel

GD: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon and the Council of Love, I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guest tonight is Archangel Jophiel. Hi, Linda.

LD: Hi, Graham. Hi, everybody. It’s great to be here tonight.

GD: So, I don’t know anything about, or very little about Archangel Jophiel. Maybe you could speak to who he is and I love how you’ve been describing the Archangels and a little bit about your personal relationship with them. I also know you want to do a meditation, so I’ll leave it up to you in terms of how you’d like to play that out before he comes on.

LD: Well, let’s start with a meditation and then we can talk a little, and then move into Archangel Jophiel. I’ve been sitting here meditating for about an hour and he certainly has a lot to share with us tonight, a lot of new information and a lot of new insights. So let’s get into that space together. Continue reading

Graham Dewyea presents Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon and the Council of Love.


Our guest this week is Archangel Jophiel. He will be offering the sparkling energy of love.  “I give you the essence of Love that you may scatter it throughout your world. It has transformed more than one universe and I believe it may assist with the transformation here on Earth.”

Music:  Sasha Lazard, Angeli and Snatam Kaur, Long Time Sun

Listen live Thursday evening at 7pm EST by calling in or clicking on the show link that appears at the start of the show. A recorded archive and description will be available after the show.

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