Category Archives: Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron – Tyberonn – Footprints in the Sand

Archangel MetatronGreetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering.

It is Year One of the newly Ascended Planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet there is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude.

Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude.

Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel ‘unnatural’ for many of you, it is a seclusion of high purpose.

You see in times of chosen  solitude you are able to quiet the mind, and open to Spirit …and in this process Angelic Gates open, and Spirit embraces you. The paradox is that in sacred solitude you truly are NOT alone. Masters, in  detachment, however difficult, your separateness enables an un-entangled freedom for you to examine the self and your life expression in profound perlustration. And indeed that is truly requisite for all advanced souls. Places in the lifestream  for secluded contemplation are ever present on the Path of Mastery. It has always been so.

So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation.

There is a recurring message in many of your religious texts: “For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron: The Eclipses of November 2012

Greetings Dear Ones! I am Metatron Lord of Light. And so we speak of the energies about you. We speak of the windows of the Eclipses in your linear time of November 2012.

The remaining energies of 2012 will be extremely powerful. It is important to maintain your balance. Myriad complex energies are bombarding the Earth and humanity are feeling the effects. These are taking place with Divine purpose, and although it is a period of great intensity, it is requisite and in that sense is very benevolent, quite necessary for the Ascension.

In truth what is occurring in your present is the continuation of the cleansing, the removal of imbalance. It is the upshift, and all forces of the planet, all elements, earth, wind, fire and water are an essential part of it. And so it is also Cosmic celestial energies that move them.

The influx of the Divine Feminine Energies are flowing into the Earth at this time as well, and assisting in the release of what must be purified. The Feminine influx begins maximum flow with the Solar Eclipse and continues at optimal current through the November 28 Lunar Eclipse.

This is incurred to bring the balance prior to the Ascension of the 12-12-12. It is an important phase; a era completes and begats a new phase … one of balance. A balance that benefits the Earth, and in kind humanity.

Indeed planetary balance then influences each living soul to find equilibrium within.

The Eclipses bring that which is termed the Feminine Energies into greater proportion. Yet do not consider these energies as directed to only one ‘gender ‘ or aspect of humanity.

For in Divine Aspect you are neither male nor female. Gender is an aspect of polarity, of duality. Gender, to be clear, does not occur in higher dimension, you see. That is important to contemplate and comprehend.

The goal for the planet then is the perfect balance of what you in polarity realms term Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. For when these energies are in parity, a balancing of the planet occurs that allows for the equilibrium of the New Earth.

The parity of the new matrix then allows an easier path for each human to find the requisite balance within Self. For without this balance, growth into integral wholeness simply cannot occur. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron: The Superstorm & Global Warming

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn

Sunday, 4 November, 2012 (posted 6 November, 2012)
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Greetings Beloved! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I welcome you this moment, and encircle you with Celestial Light.

And so Dear Ones, we tell you that there is even greater life that circles about and above you, above the sacred Earth , and these are now flowing into your planet and available to enter your field of awareness. It is light of a subtle nature. It is not the light of expectation, it is does not hold logic, rather it is the light of wellness, and indeed carries the energy of ‘home’ of the angelic realm.

We will say to you upon this special planet of duality, this beloved and sacred Earth, that all who open and allow this Celestial Light to enter their sphere of influence, their field of consciousness, will immediately find themselves blessed in spirit, and glowing in divine serenity. This energy is quiet, this energy is reconciling, and this energy connects your chakras with your celestial home. It is available to all who come here, and readily so. This is a place of healing and wellness. Humans on the path as yet do not always seek to include wellness in their search for understanding, but all should, as it is complimentary to truth and all parts of your trinity being cry out for it. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron: A Glimpse at The Magnificent Year 2012

Greetings Masters !

We encircle each and every one of you with a nurturing energy and with the field of self empowerment, for each of you are truly Masters on your path of Ascension. It is our purpose to offer you inspiration and clarity, but indeed it is once and always requisite that YOU, as a sacred and sovereign BEING, practice discernment with this and any such ‘channeled’ message.

We will begin this essay regarding 2012, a truly auspicious year, by addressing the fears some of you may have. We will first tell you the Ascension is on track, and will in fact occur. You have made it so. In many aspects, the Ascension has already taken place. What remains however, is tantamount to the completion of the Crystalline Grid, and the final activations of the Crystalline Transition.

Now, regarding the fears, we gently ask all of you to look at the world around you for just a moment. What do you see ?

Your media outlooks are reporting war, famine, disasters and economic collapse. And what is broadcast is what is seen in 3d. It is oft full of gloom and doom, is it not?

The doomsday prophets are especially in high gear on this topic, are they not? Some of the doom speculators are on particularly fertile ground in this arena, generating fear followings around collisions of comets, asteroids, cataclysmic polar reversals and economic collapse. Whether these naysayers recognize it or not, they feed on the fear theygenerate. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron: The 2012 Ostiary – Angels Among You

Article Contents:

  • Guardian Angels
  • Symbiotic Levels of Hierarchy
  • As Archangel Metatron, I nurture life.
  • Ascended Masters
  • The Angelic Realm
  • God’s Image
  • Angels As Place Holders of Physics
  • Humanity’s Angelic Images
  • Coming Full Circle
  • Supreme Gestalt
  • The Coded Nature of Light
  • Carbon Base to Silicon Base
  • A New Sun
  • Discernment is Key

The 2012 Ostiary – Angels Among You

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! As the heralded 2012 approaches, we encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so!

You are entering 2012, the 12th Wave of the Ascension … and so much awaits you. The anticipation in palpable, in both your physical realm, and ours. Oh Dear Human, can you feel it !

The entry of 2012 will be quite different than your typical January for many on the planet. Rather than an energetic decline that often occurs after your holiday season, there will not be the ‘January doldrums blues’. Rather a quickening, an excitement, a crisp energy that will sharpen immensely after the new moon of January 23.

And so we speak on the nature of Light and of the Angelic Beings of Light. And we tell you in emphatic sincerity, you are all at source, amazing Beings of Divine Light. Angels are indeed, among you. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron: The Artifical Moon of Saturn & The Lunar Effect

Article Contents:

  • Moons, Planets & the Living Cosmos
  • Saturn & Iapetus
  • The Voyager & Cassini Saturn Probes
  • Visionary
  • The Rings of Saturn
  • The Earth’s Moon
  • Crysto-Electric Aura
  • Closing

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet each of you warmly, knowingly, in a vector of unconditional love !

Dear Ones, the changes taking place on the Earth, are prompted by changes taking place in the Cosmos. Every celestial body, every, planet star and moon in your Galaxy are in harmonic symphony, in support of what is happening in 2012 on your planet Earth. We have told you before that your religions have excluded the science, and that science has omitted the spiritual. Now in 2012, the two are joining full circle. Your scientists are beginning to recognize that there is intelligent design in the Cosmos, and your religious leaders are beginning to acknowledge that ‘you are not alone’.

There are visionary academics and writers such as Graham Hancock, David Childress, Richard Hoagland and Semir Osmanagich who are leading the way in revealing more to you about humanity’s true origins and history. And we tell you removing the shadow is tantamount to clarity and wisdom.

The Cosmos is shifting, physics are expanding. You are discovering that the Laws of Physics, which you thought were written in stone, are shifting and expanding. That expansion is multidimensionality. And moreover Masters, you are discovering that thought, divine thought is the creator of all that is…and that you are a part of that. Even the most die-hard main stream scientific think-tanks are being invaded by a younger generation of more dilatant unsuppressed researchers, who are aware that there is intelligence in the Cosmos, in the changing order of physics. Not just in the realization that you are not alone, but in the knowledge that the creation around you could not be random. There is a guiding force in physics, an aware intelligence. We have told you before that certain of what you term ‘Angels’ are the holders of the ‘Laws of Physics’, and we tell you now, that everything in the Cosmos is aware. The planets, stars, moons and even that you term the void, is alive, conscious, aware and in support of humanity. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron: The True Ascension

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn

Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron , Lord of Light and I embrace you in a vector of Unconditional Love. A Love that you will soon be able to experience more vividly for the Ascension is nigh. We are joined in this channel by Ra-Tybronn of the Pleiades, an Ascended Master of Crystalline Service, the root over soul of the channel, who experienced service to the planet among the Law of One. Ra-Tybronn is of the Family of Thoth & Enoch. Both of Metatronic source.

We ask you to take a moment and allow our energy and love to nurture you, for we are family. We love you so very dearly, in ways that are above emotion, in a love that is omnipotent and flows from Creative Source, of All That Is…of which Divinity you are an intricate member. Each of you !

It is a time of quickening on your planet, and for some of you it feels hard at times, but we assure you that in higher aspect, you are dancing in joy. For the Ascension is nigh and you, Dear Human, made it happen. We honor you !

And so we invite Ra-Tybronn of Crystalline Service to join in the provision of this information, some of which we have shared before, much of which is shared for the first time. All in the moment of now…

Dear Ones, that you term the Ascension can be defined as the transition to Crystalline dimensional expansion. The final completions of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas are extremely important to the Crystalline Transition of the Earth. And the crystalline transition is tantamount to the 2012 Ascension. On the 12-12-12 the Crystallization of the planet will complete.

In a very real sense, what occurs on the 12-12-12 is the Ascension, and what takes place on December 21,2012 is the Initial Birthing Solstice of the New Earth. That is because the ‘mechanics’ of the actual ascending- process (that enables the Ascension) occurs on the 12-12-12.

Accordingly it is what happens on December 12, 2012 that finalizes the activations and network-connections of all the Master Crystals, Crystalline Fields, Grid Points, Power Nodes, & Vortexial-Portal Sites to the Crysto-Sun Disc and 144 Grid. Continue reading

Time, Space, Time-Travel & Teleportation & Happy Endings

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn

Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love. Take a moment to feel the energy, close your eyes, and sense a cocoon of warm nurturing envelope you…. an entourage gathers.

We speak this moment on many topics, focusing on time, time travel, the nature of duality and teleportation. We recognize the divinity in each of you. As entities of Divine Intelligence, & Beings of Light… we ask that you discern what we share.

Time and space remain an enigma to man, even within the cusp of 2012. Humanity queries time travel and space travel in the present from the aspect of physical laws. You will never reach areas of remote ‘space’ or hyper-space in fueled rockets. Nor will you travel in time in constructed locomotive apparatus. We tell you it is a frequencial concept, and not one contrived from the physical brain.

Time travel and teleportation are indeed very real concepts of both physics and metaphysics. You are well aware of advanced Yogi’s & Shamanic Masters who have mastered the process, but such Mastery, does not occur before the individual is ready. This is important to understand.

More advanced societies of your Earth, and indeed those termed the benevolent extra terrestrials have been capable of manipulated teleportation through the process of frequencial ‘dematerialization’ of particulate matter to antimatter.

Such teleportation was utilized by the Atlanteans with the technology of the Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian groups. Specialized Phi Crystals were used to shift the coherent frequencies of matter from its seeming physical vibrational rate to its antimatter vibratory quantum-wave state. The Transport was then processed through a laser beam conduit by targeting the precise energetic signature of the destination vector.

Your own studies of fullerenes or allotrope Carbon-60 Spherical fullerenes termed ‘Bucky-Balls reveals that the molecular truncated icosahedrons of fullerenes revert from nano-matter particulate to quantum wave in certain conditions. Your scientists have noted for decades that electrons appear and disappear in atomic orbits. Continue reading

Standing Waves of the Crystal Vortex

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn

Greetings All ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you this moment in Unconditional Love !

Dear Ones, that you term the Ascension can be defined as the transition to Crystalline dimensional expansion.

Masters, 2012 is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of shaking the earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of up shifting your frequency. All of these are in fact occurring, and exponentially so, as there are dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are beyond your current scientific comprehension.

The final completions of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas are extremely important to the Crystalline Transition of the Earth. And the crystalline transition is tantamount to the 2012 Ascension. On the 12-12-12 the Crystallization of the planet will complete.

Sacred Contacts
That is one of several reasons why so many of you will be drawn to Arkansas for the final Triple Date Portal gathering, the 12-12-12. For those of the Atlantean Law of One, the completion is part of a sacred oath that the Crystalline Energy will one day return…and never again be allowed to fall into the wrong hands. Presence in the Crystal Vortex for many is a soul contract, and many of the Law of One will feel & answer that call. We will also tell you that several of the featured speakers at the 12-12-12 including John Van Auken, Graham Hancock, Dr Semir Osmanagich, Tyberonn and John Jenkins were highly esteemed senior members of the Atlantean scientist priest, the Atla-Ra of the Law of One. Continue reading

Resolving Negativity: The Nuances of Mass & Individual Relations

a message from Archangel Metatron channeled by Tyberonn

Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you in an vector of Love, Unconditional Love !

And so it is a powerful time, and there is much movement on the planet in this month of the September Equinox within 2012. We tell you the energy of this Equinox has brought specific astrological conditions that allow for a deep review of whom you are, and where you are going. The profound aperture provided by the planetary and stellar conjunctions paired within the period of the Equinox began 5 days before the actual Equinox and will extend for 5 days, through September 27th.

The energy of this Equinox is a time for each person to individually review relationships, purpose and their ‘mental’ contents. This is to be considered on an individual level, and also applied to the mass consciousness, the group events occurring on your planet. It has been an amazing month, has it not?

The Tie That Binds
Many of you may not be fully aware of the expansive reach of your relationships in mass. Each of you has ties to group events and group energies that play key roles in your choices of reincarnation.

You have such powerful ties to groupings that entire Nations and Epochs reincarnate together.

This is quite logical. For it is the relationships you have with others that present both your greatest challenges and springboards of growth. Therefore there is a natural magnetism to the people you have spent time with in other lifetimes, in other eras. This ‘connective interactive force’ allows you work out differences, resolve problems and to continue the unified progress in achieving the harmonic goals each of you are born to accomplish both individually and in mass. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron – Elementals, Unicorns, Dragons & The Kingdom of the FAE

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light !

I greet you in a vector of Love, Unconditional Love. We gather this joyous moment to embrace you and to honor you. What an amazing year unfolds before you. Indeed it is a heralded time, that you have waited eons to participate within ! It is the year of the Ascension ! Take time to feel the joyous energy we send you, from all corners of the Omni-Verse, from every aspect of the Cosmos.

Dear Hearts, we are asked to speak this day on a myriad of fascinating topics. Of the Omni-Earth, the parallels of Earth, and that termed the Elemental Kingdom. We speak of thyme incredible vortex of Skellig Michael, and of the Firmament anchor of Newgrange. We speak of the land of the Goddess and Fae.

The Kingdom of the FAE

We begin with the Skellig Michael Vortex, of Ireland, and of the FAE. Masters, one of the delightful & differentiating aspects of experiencing Ireland is the remarkably unique visual interfacing with incredibly light and delightful beings, the Kingdom of the Fae, the Faerie and Devic.

Certain parts of the world have a somewhat differing type of elementals. Only the few vectors on the planet that project what may be termed the ‘full-spectra energy field’ have the full quality & quantity of the entire Fae Kingdom. Fewer still of these have the energetic lens that enables humankind to more tangible ‘see’ and interact with these beings. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron: The 2012 Express – A Train Is Coming

Greetings Masters! Indeed! We greet you in joy and encircle each of you in a field of Unconditional Love. 2012 is not an end, rather it is the true Beginning. Accordingly 2012 is the expansion of dimensional access on the New Earth.

People Get Ready
The Ascension has movement, it is a train of change, and it is coming. You do not need a ticket, only faith & preparation. Energies of the Earth are shifting more quickly now. The velocity of light has increased. In response, the flash & sequencing of linear- time is moving faster now, in the quickening of the 2012 Ascension. The magnetic grid is being reduced as the Crystalline Grid becomes dominant. Gravity fields have transitioned and will continue this metastasis. The arc swing of duality is lessened, and the movement into greater dimension, crystalline frequency, is now tangible. It effects you, influences your Beingness in a powerful manner in the shift.

New Earth Demands
In kind then, does the need for humanity to shift become requisite to maintain equilibrium and balance. Equivocation will not serve. The astrological undulations become more intense as does the heightened energy of the planet itself.

The energy of the New Earth demands more effort on your part. You must proactively raise your frequency to adjust, to keep pace. You must manage expectation and rise to the occasion.

The new energy is of a different medium. Just as you move differently in water than on land, so must you adjust your energy field in the new expanded environ. A new focus is necessary in the optimal maintenance of your Auric Body, for the human EMF ( Electro-Magnetic Field) is being shifted into CEF (Crysto-Electric Field) at the level of the 5th dimension. It is an important change, and is a mandate for each of you on the path.

Ascension Symptoms
The Ascension has symptoms. How you choose to deal with them has consequences. They become either growing pains that lead to great new horizons, or the impetus of a stagnation that can lead to a downward spiral. You can’t sit on the fence and ignore it, one of the two, the former or latter, will occur. The Ascension energies are global, and are encountered through Auric Induction.The Aura must be understood, and maintained in order to shift into the Crystalline. The higher frequencial energies of the New Earth require a larger CEF (Crysto-Electric Field) , and the operation manual is a bit more complex. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron: Mechanics of Law of Belief

I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in Unconditional Love. In this gathering, we discuss a fine aspect of Conscious Creation, the Law and mechanics of manifestation. We speak of the Bio-Crystal Stargate computer: the Pineal.

The Pineal

Through the ages it has been known that the Pineal is the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm. It can be said then to be the gateway between the ego personality, brain and the Divine Mind. It has been termed by metaphysicians such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce as being the ‘Seat of the Soul’. In a very real manner of speaking, the Pineal Gland is a ‘Bio-Stargate’. It is a bridge from physical to non-physical, from duality to higher dimension. It is extremely complex, and is the screen from 3d brain to Infinite Mind.

The pineal is the agent of advancing knowing into reality manifestation. The pineal works with the pituitary to open the bridge, the gateway between the physical and nonphysical, between brain and mind. Whatever knowledge you allow yourself to believe can only become a reality by the pineal first opening the gate to the Divine. It does this by interpreting the frequency of thought into a thermal bio chemical electrical current throughout your body and opening to mind. Continue reading

Arkansas: The Atlantean Crystal Awakening – And the Fall of Atlantis

Greetings Masters, I am Archangel Metatron, Lord of Light !

And so again we speak of the emerging mega vortex of Arkansas, the portal of the quantum crystalline frequency. For now, in 2008, this vortex vaults into global prominence with the unfolding of the dimensional lock that held the Atlantean crystalline wisdom, that of the Golden Age of Atlantis, that of the highest frequency obtained on your earth plane.

Indeed that time has come and in the present year will begin the unlocking of great Atlantean Crystals, held for over 12,000 years in dimensional seal within the magnetic complex of Arkansas. Many of you will be drawn to take part in the unveiling, for indeed you were there as witnesses to the deluge and some of you to the consequent movement of these amazing Atlantean master Crystals to this and other areas.

Three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas. The first of these will be awakened in 2008, and aligned with the other sleeping Atlantean Crystals in Brazil, Mount Shasta, Bimini and Lake Titicaca.

Indeed they will energize the Golden Sun Disc placed in Arkansas and align with the 12 patterns of same throughout the planet. Many are called, and many will come to participate in this awakening, as part of an ancient contract, a sacred promise whose time has finally come. Many are there already, having been called to live within this crystalline vortex that will be fully in place in 2012. And so on the summer solstice of 2008, will the first crystal awaken.

It is not for you to activate the crystals, it is not for you to anchor the vortex, rather it is for you to align yourselves within this completion, within this activation, within this celestial anchoring of the quantum crystalline field. Many of the Law of One are called. Masters you have waited a long time for this, heed the call. Continue reading

Sacred Animal Kingdom – Healing Divine Love

Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I embrace you in this moment. I am joined by and welcome the energies and presence of the Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light, and those benevolent Beings of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. We combine in plurality, in joy to welcome you, each of you here, in a ‘Now’ moment of unconditional love. Take a moment as you read this words, and close your eyes for an instant, and feel the love that we direct to you.

Now, we begin.

Dear Ones, with the understanding that you are here for learning, we tell you that the ‘University of Polarity Earth’ is specifically designed for the evolution of the human soul. The curriculum and venue of Polarity Earth, of the educational process is in fact a version of the Omni-Earth that is created and co created in Divine Intelligence. It is a purposed illusion, it is created by purposed thought, and cannot be destroyed. Consider that. That does not mean you do not have responsibilities in the care of Earth and its supporting Kingdoms, for indeed that is part of the learning process.

The purpose of the EarthPlane is your soul evolution. The Earth supports that mission, by Divine plan, by agreement, and all of the Kingdoms of Earth are part of that. Accordingly we tell you that there are versions of other Beings of Divine Intelligence that are here to support humanity in your purpose here. These include Master Beings from many realms. Some make visitations here to support you, and certain of these come for a brief but influential time & purpose in full Avatar consciousness.

Yet also be aware that there are versions of benevolent Master Beings that have by agreement chosen to manifest in various step-down forms to support humanity.

Those of the Animal Kingdom on the Earth, are here to support you. Part of that process involves their expression on the EarthPlane in ‘Group’ Consciousness. The deepest dimensions of the animal self exist not at the level of the individual but as part of the collective group mind of the entire species , and that highest level is not in duality lesson, per se. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron: Fire-Eclipse Portal 2012

“The remaining Equinoxes, Solstices & Eclipses that lie ahead in the countdown to the Ascension are ‘Frequencial Gateways’ . The auspicious vectors are not constrained by linear time nor by the dimensional access limitations within your current space-time paradigm. And while we have told you many areas in your planet are already in 5th dimension, during the Equinoxes of the precedent 3 years to the Ascension the threshold to greater dimensionality is opened much wider.

As such we tell you that a unique portal from the 12th dimension is enabled thru the Cosmic Trigger Crystalline awakening of that 12th Wave that will manifest on May 20, 2012 and reach its apexial completion  on the OM Wave of the June Solstice of 2012. The energies will be powerful and intense….yet offer amazing up-shifting codes.

Indeed it is a mandatory prerequisite rigor of the New Earth. Both humanity and indeed the physical earth require and petition this crystalline up-shift reformation in order to transcend the duality dimensional paradigm that would otherwise entomb them in the cyclic duplicity of descending polarity juxtaposition.

The twelfth dimensional opening of the Solar Eclipse of May 2012 will be the most prolific synthesis of 12th dimensional energy to eventuate on earth since the Golden Age of Atlantis, some 35,000 years ago as measured in your present linear- time paradigm.”  AAMetatron Continue reading

The Fall of Atlantis Revisited – Part 2 of 4

(continued from part 1 of 4)
The Deluge of 17,500 BC – Downward Spiral of the Final Phase

The time is after the second deluge, when the utopian Golden Age subsided and Atlantis split into 5 islands. The three major islands were known as Poseida, Aryan and Og. The two smaller islands were under the rule of Aryan, and were known as Atalya and Eyre. And so in the days after the second break up of Atlantis, the benevolent government rule by kingdom passed into the phase of a confederation, state governments, in your terms, that ruled each of the islands. An aristocracy of sorts evolved that consisted of two opposing ideologies. The two major components of these were the ‘Law of One’, based predominantly on the Isle of Poseida and ‘The Sons of Belial’ based on the Isle of Aryan. The island of Aryan was the most populated and exerted influence and political control over Og, Atalya and Eyre.

Poseida was the planets most potent vortex portal complex at the time of Atlantis. The Poseida grouping and isle housed the Temple of Healing, the Temple of Sound, the Temple of One, the Temple of Regeneration and the Temple of Knowledge. Poseida housed most of the major centers for higher learning. These were placed on Poseida because of its advantageous location within the geodesic grids and its proximity to beneficial electromagnetic energies that spiraled upward from the earth’s core. An incredibly potent healing spring flowed on Poseida, near the Temple of Healing, and its lore spawned the myths of the ‘Fountain of Youth’ passed down by the indigenous peoples of Florida. It flows yet into the oceans near Bimini. Continue reading

The Fall of Atlantis Revisited – Part 1 of 4

Greetings Masters, I am Archangel Metatron, Lord of Light! I greet you all in a vector of unconditional love!

And so as the 10-10-10 rapidly approaches, the powerful Atlantean Temple Crystals across the planet surge into greater potency. The Emerald Crystal of Healing, activated with the 9-9-9 launches into sovereign prominence, and serves as the initial manifold to activate the others into stalwart crystalline-field projection.

On the 10-10-10 the Emerald Crystal, long held in dormancy beneath Mount Maga in Arkansas, achieves 50% of its potency, and at 10:10:10 am on the morning of October 10.

And so again we speak clearly on the emerging mega vortex of Arkansas, the portal of the quantum crystalline frequency. For now, in 2010, this vortex vaults into global prominence with the further unfolding of the dimensional lock that held the Atlantean crystalline wisdom, that of the Golden Age of Atlantis, that of the highest frequency obtained on your earth plane.

Indeed that time has come. And in 2010 continues the exponential flux and expansion of the great Atlantean Temple Crystals, held for over 12,000 years in dimensional seal within the magnetic complex of Arkansas. Many of you will be drawn to take part in the unveiling, for indeed you were there as witnesses to the deluge and some of you to the consequent movement of these amazing Atlantean Master Crystals to this and other areas. The new Crystalline Age is upon you. Continue reading

Archangel Metatron: Solar Flares the Sources Code for Ascension

It is I Archangel Metatron, Lord of light and unconditional love. We have discussed many times that in this period of linear time you are transitioning into a higher dimension. Your energy and the body you are residing in has been operating at a lower vibrational energy than the dimension you are headed for. The mechanics, RNA/DNA have been geared to accommodate 3rd dimension lower vibratory life. You are currently transitioning through the higher octaves of the 3rd into the 4th dimension and are headed for the 5th dimension and beyond.

Let us remember that a dimension is a range of vibration and awareness that your light energy is expressing itself in. You and all other things within the universe are light energy vibrating at general frequency. The physical reality you are co-creating and expressing yourself in is base in a range of perception for the conscious light energy you are. The physical means of perception in your reality are based within your genetic code. So for your physical body to transition into a higher level of vibrational awareness the DNA/RNA codes of your spiritual and physical body must be modified for the new level.

We tell you that you and your earth, Gaia is ascending into a higher vibrational awareness. You who make the choice to move with Gaia, along with Gaia, are having your genetic codes modified by the source, All That Is. The central sun of your solar system is directly connected to the central sun of your universe. Within this connection signals and codes are emitted into your system. The great solar flares you are experiencing contain the signals for the modification of your DNA/RNA upgrades.

In order for you to ascend into the next level of awareness you have to make the choice to ascend. In making this conscious choice you send a signal to your body that you want your genetic codes to upgrade for ascension. This is the only way that your body can accompany your true spiritual light energy that is you into the next vibrational dimension of awareness.

There is a host of ascension symptoms that are associated with the transformation of your body. Each individual will react differently based on their makeup and where they are in the ascension path. Some of the symptoms are as follows:

1.   Loss of energy and a need for more rest than normal.

2.   Sinus headaches and pressure in the forehead.

3.   Pain or pressure in the crown or back of your head.

4.   Hair loss in the crown area of your head.

5.   Soreness and pressure on your shoulders and back.

6.   Joints aching especially in the shoulders.

7.   Loss of time and focus, spaced out feeling.

These symptoms and others will be heightened during solar flare activity. Once again your symptoms will vary and change with the progression of ascension.

We the Angels and Ascended Masters call for you to ask us for help. We can not act without you asking due to free will.

I am Archangel Metatron and I send you the unconditional love of the infinite creator!

Copyright ©2011–2013 mylightwarrior. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

A Message from Archangel Metatron – December 5, 2011

My dear brother we hear your call and answer. We see the gathering of light throughout your world. This light pulses and gathers through Gaia and the crystalline grid. We urge you to anchor yourself into Gaia. See yourself bonded within Gaia to the core of your being merging together in the light. Once you are grounded within Gaia see yourself connecting to the crystalline grid and call to the grid to link in unification. As you are centered within Gaia connected to the crystalline grid focus on balance and harmony. Breathe balance in and exhale harmony. As you feel centered visualize your light traveling to the grid and being distributed to Gaia, the grid and then to all of humanity. Stay connected and feels the balance and harmony of simply BEING. Within this moment of BEING are the unconditional love, abundance and joy your souls seek. It is a great accomplishment and feeling to raise your vibration and the vibration of the collective. The great central sun sends this magnificent light to all creation. If you choose to accept it your vibration is increased. All of creation is nourished and lifted up through unconditional love.

Your direct link to Gaia and the human collective has been upgraded through the crystalline grid. The great crystals of Atlantis are now activated and the Platinum ray is now established in your crystalline system. If it is your will to ascend your body will convert into a crystalline body as your purify yourself and take more light in. The form of this purification is through the release of old reality energy from your physical and energetic bodies. As your system purifies with the rise in your quotient the DNA sequences within your physical and energetic bodies will active. This clearing and modification process moves according to your needs associated with your energetic and physical bodies. This process does involve some physical discomforts and has highs and low ebbing points. When the process completes your system will move into an alignment process that completes with full consciousness.

It is your choice to ascend or stay within duality. To ascend one needs to make the choice and have intent and focus on the task. Ask us and we will assist you in this great opportunity in advancement. Make the call to us and we will be at your side assisting and guiding you through the process. Your focus and intent will get you half way though immediately and the host of heaven will help you make it the rest of the way.

With love and joy in the one infinite creator! Archangel Metatron

Copyright © 2011–2013 mylightwarrior. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.